It’s on!
After months of hinting that our first Naked Bible Conference was going to happen, I’m thrilled to announce the details. The conference will be a day-long event in Dallas, TX on August 18, 2018. Truth be told, the site went live while we were in Israel, so some of you have already heard. For those who haven’t, click the image to go to the site and register! SEATING IS LIMITED and the event will NOT be live-streamed.
Here’s the list of speakers and their topics. You can read about each speaker on the conference site.
8:00 am – 9:00 am
9:00 am – 9:10 am
9:10 am – 10:00 am
Dr. Michael S. Heiser: The Divine Council in the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls
10:10 am – 11:00 am
Dr. Bill Arnold: Israel in, among, or against Its Neighbors? A Singular Israel in a Pluralistic World
11:10 am – 12:00 pm
Dr. Archie Wright: The Reception of the Satan Tradition in Second Temple Judaism and the Gospels
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Break for lunch
2:00 pm – 2:50 pm
Dr. John Hilber: Since When Is Literal Interpretation “Normal”?—Reconsidering a Popular Assumption
3:00 pm – 3:50 pm
Dr. William (“Rusty”) Osborne: Reaching for the Heavens: Tree Imagery and Kingship in the Bible and the Ancient Near East
4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Dr. Daniel Street: Flood, Fire, and Festival: How the Nephilim and Noah’s Flood Unlock the Mystery of Yom Kippur and the Final Judgment
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Q&A with all scholars
I’ll be blogging about each speaker and topic in the weeks to come, but I’ll be general — and blunt — at this point.
This is no run-of-the-mill “Bible conference” of the type to which folks who follow this blog and the Naked Bible Podcast may be accustomed. You’re not going to be preached at. You’re not going to hear speculation presented as Bible teaching. You won’t be reminded of Sunday School. The scholars I’ve invited are real scholars, not enthusiasts who self-publish and who are known only on the internet. We’re bringing some of the best scholars in the world to you, the lay audience and pastor, who deeply care about exposure to solid biblical scholarship made comprehensible. If you want a conference where you’ll really learn something and can trust that what you hear is based on peer-reviewed research, then this is the event of the year. Don’t miss it — register now. The audience limit (300) is firm and cannot be changed.