It’s been two weeks since I attended the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (held this year in Baltimore). The theme this year was inerrancy. I know it’s a tired subject for many, but it’s still quite current within ETS, due in no small part to recent books that force the question. I speak here primarily of issues surrounding the historicity of Adam.  Consequently there were whole sessions devoted to inerrancy and the historical Adam, subjects about which I’ve blogged here at length.

For those who didn’t attend, there are two convenient ways to get a good feel for the discussion.

First, the major session on inerrancy is included these speakers and topics:

R. Albert Mohler, Jr. (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Classic Inerrancy is Necessary for Evangelical Integrity

Peter E. Enns (Eastern University)
Abandoning Inerrancy Is Necessary for Evangelical Integrity

Michael F. Bird (Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry, Australia)
Inerrancy is Not Necessary for Evangelicalism Outside the USA

D.A. Carson (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)
An Evaluation of Some Recent Discussions on the Doctrine of Scripture

Ben Witherington III (Asbury Theological Seminary)
The Truth will Out: an Historian’s Perspective on the Inerrancy Controversy

Panel Discussion on Inerrancy

These sessions are accessible by audio. I found links to the audio of the sessions on Google Drive (hover over the files at the link to see the session titles). I’m not sure what Google Drive really is (i.e., if you have to have a GMail address), but there you go.

As far as the historical Adam discussion goes, the four scholars below and their topics can all be found in the book, Four Views on the Historical Adam (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology).

Denis O. Lamoureux (St. Joseph’s College, the University of Alberta)
No Adam: The Evolutionary Creation Position

John H. Walton (Wheaton College)
Adam and Eve as Archetypes

C. John Collins (Covenant Theological Seminary)
Adam and Eve: Who They Were and Why We Should Care

William Barrick (The Master’s Seminary)
A Historical Adam, Young-Earth Creation View