I decided to do this right away while it was on my radar. The new pre-registration links for the next Hebrew and Greek course modules are now online. The course begins January 10, 2010 and runs one year.
January Hebrew and Greek with Heiser Modules

I decided to do this right away while it was on my radar. The new pre-registration links for the next Hebrew and Greek course modules are now online. The course begins January 10, 2010 and runs one year.
Gday Mike
……………Is the new course [2010] the same as we are doing now? Or is it more like Part 2?
@drew: same one
Hi Mike
I’m very interested in these courses although I know nothing about Greek or Hebrew other than what I’ve read in a Concordance,haha. Can you tell me what I need to acquire to complete the course, in the way of books or software perhaps. Thank you.
@whillman: Yes: go to http://www.michaelsheiser.com and look for the note toward the bottom about Hebrew and Greek with Heiser. The pre-registration link is what you want.