Follow this link to an MP3 file of a very recent interview of Joe Jordan on this subject. Joe, as you recall, was one of the central figures of the Roswell session that Greg Bishop blogged about dealing with deliverance from abductions via the name of Jesus. We blogged about it here as well. Perhaps this MP3 is representative of what took place at Roswell.
Joe Jordan on Abductions and Spiritual Warfare

Holy cow, Michael…
I’m surprised as h*ll that you stoke the fires of these evangelical nuts.
The aspects of God and religion, especially the Church of Rome, are transcendental, and mystical in ways that are almost incomprehensible.
But those guys, in that MP3 dreck, take the holy-roller approach to the Jesus mystery and demean it with their hokey interpretation and application to the UFO abduction scenarios.
This isn’t grist for academics or anyone with a scintilla of intellectual acumen.
That stuff merely clutters the discussion and adds to the laugh-factor that UFOs, abductions, and religion engenders among truly thoughtful persons.
Rich (RRR)
Michael –
I thank you for posting this link to Future Quake’s riveting interview of Joe Jordan. Also, many thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for all His faithful servants working for His truth including yourself, Joe, and Dave. May God bless you all abundantly!
@RRRGroup: I think the point is that, rather than speculate on what Joe thinks or said at Roswell, it’s best to let people hear him. Why guess?
Sure, I agree, all voices should be heard…well, almost all voices.
But really, one has to separate the wheat from the chaff, and us ignorant types need someone like you to do that for us.
If you provide a kind of imprimatur to such stuff, as Joe Jordan offers, we find ourselves asea.
Everything is grist or nothing is grist for discussion.
Or maybe a few things are, and few things aren’t.
I believe that prayer can be efficacious and maybe abductees have been “saved” by calling out to Jesus, or Mary, of God Himself.
But the matter is so subjective that it eludes ratiocination.
Rich (RRR)
@RRRGroup: Your “everything” line in the comment isn’t sound logic (you exclude middle options), but I know you’re not trying to make a logical point. To be fair (here and elsewhere) I’d allow a rational Sitchinite have his say (I’d like to say those don’t exist, but I’ve met a few that SEEM rational anyway).
Rich: No more subjective than suggesting that John Milton was an abductee based on certain superficial similarities in the imagery of “Paradise Lost” and a few selected abduction accounts.
Why do you reject the possibility that what we’re dealing with is interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial?
Hello brother… news from France…
Jesus translates to horse in Hebrew,his language.[YESHUA is his true name].There’s been people who have encountered a ufo in front of them then said [i rebuke you demons in the name of YESHUA HAMASHIA]and the fallen angles flew away instently. There are bad aliens called the fallen angles and good aliens which are the angles of G-d,Yeshuah.In his word it talks how the angles picked up Elisha in there chariots of fire which people know as ufo’s.Mosses was picked up in a ufo when G-d took him to get the ten commandments.When he left from mount Sinai his beard was black when he returned it was white and his skin was glowing.Radiation has been proved to do that.In my opinion the fallen angle’s history comes from the Greek methodology.YESHUA is coming more sooner then people think! He loves you all,seek him and he will answer and give you peace n unconditional love! Please find him n accept his blessing! Shalom Obrajot
uh . . . Jesus does not translate to “horse” in Hebrew. This is a first. I thought I’d heard everything. And Hebrew wouldn’t have been his native tongue. That would be Aramaic (though there is reason to believe he knew Hebrew and Greek as well). You also get the Moses “glowing” event wrong – please look up the passage (Exodus 34:29); it actually doesn’t say anything about the beard turning color (face and beard are two different terms and two different things). I appreciate your interest, but you need to actually read the Bible when talking about it.
he says aliens are only claiming chrisanity is wrong…. but he examples he gives show that they also diagree with muslims,jews,mormon,Buddhists(Buddhists arent panthestic,not do they think Buddha was some sort of alien) and even (some) forms of hinduism for that matter!
Could you provide links to folks who heard from aliens that these other religions are wrong. I’d like to research that. Thank you.
not sure what you’re asking for; I presume you are referring to something Joe said. In that case, you’d have to email Joe. His email should be available on the CE-4 website: