There are still 2-3 slots open for the January 10 start date. See the links at the top of my homepage for details.
Last Call on Hebrew and Greek Courses with Heiser for January 2010 Module

There are still 2-3 slots open for the January 10 start date. See the links at the top of my homepage for details.
I don’t suppose there is any bursary available to someone who is unemployed and has no way to pay? If you have such a spot, I would like to put my name forward!
In Yeshua,
i just had the money become available. do you have any spots left?
@william guice: yes – and I saw you registered. Thanks!
Alas, I think I will have to catch you next year unless you have any free holes or “pay as you go” holes.
@Dusteen: keeping watching the blog. I’ll be posting an announcement for this course and a pile of others come Spring.
I’m interested!
How much?
I need the Hebrew, and Greek!
I’ll go to the home page and check out the sighn up process.
@Arlen Banks:
The links tell you the price and how to register. I’ll be taking them down in the next couple of days.