In three weeks I’ll be in New Bern, North Carolina. The dates are January 16-17 (a Friday night and Saturday). I’ll be doing ten sessions, a couple of which will be open Q & A. The topics range from biblical studies (divine council material, how to think about the Bible) and apologetics in a post-Christian, neo-pagan world. The full schedule, along with registration information (it’s not expensive) are found here.
Except for the Old Testament Godhead session, this will be the first time I’ve presented these topics in a church (i.e., outside academic conferences). In the Friday night sessions I’ll be focusing on things like gnosticism, postmodernism, transhumanism, and “science fiction mythologies” (the sort of convergence of things I aim for in my novels with an apologetics bent). Saturday will be broad, topical overviews of items I write about in The Unseen Realm. If you’re in the NC. SC, VA area and can come, I hope you’ll do so to encourage the organizers — and to chat. It’ll be fun and informative.
Sounds like alot of good topics especially ones the Church needs to be aware of. Will the presentations be recorded in any way ?
Not sure if they’ll video them or not. You should ask them.
They have (audio) sermon archives, so I’m guessing they’ll record audio. Hopefully.
I’d love to hear the Friday sessions.
I’ve asked. I’ll let folks know when I hear something.
If you are ever visiting the western end of the State (or even Raleigh). I’ll definitely be able to make it.
New Year’s eve: I spoke with Kathy at Temple Baptist. She said the sessions will be posted to their website like their sermons. She did not know if there would be a fee. There is no fee for sermons. I dearly wish I could attend but health prevents. I will gladly pay a fee for the download if need be. Blessings to you, Michael. Jerry – friend of Sharon.
I think there’s something like a $10 registration, but I’ve not heard anything about audio archives. I may record them as well.
Hi Michael, please let me know if you or Temple Baptist records this event in New Bern, North Carolina. I am so interested in the topics you will be presenting; however, I did not find out in time to request PTO at work to be able to come and I live 7 plus hours away.
I have been a fan of yours since The Facade, I am getting The Portent, and I can’t wait for The Unseen Realm and The Supernatural. I am a Bible student, majoring in Theology and have also become so fed up with stagnant content that today’s churches offer as well. I recently rediscovered your website and I am loving the content and once again I feel like a theological sponge in a dry region. My smoldering wick has been reignited by an MSH spark again. Thank you for all your hard work and sharing your knowledge.
Diane Florida
So far as I know, they will be recording audio. Still no word on video. And bless you for being a theological sponge (I remember using that phrase in college — it’s a badge of honor). 🙂
Just got registered! What’s a 4 1/2 drive anyway? Excited!
Cool – introduce yourself!
I’ve got a 4 1/2 drive from Lynchburg, VA. That wouldn’t be where you’re coming from, would it?
I’m coming from WA state; I’ll be in three planes tomorrow.
I go to Temple Baptist Church in New Bern, NC and we are so excited to host Dr. Heiser soon! If Kathy said the sessions will be posted to archives then most likely there will be no charge to download them, same as sermons. The cost for registration is really only to cover the cost of lunch (included on Saturday)… $10/person or $15/couple and registration is currently available online at the link Mike provided above. We would love to have anyone join us who can… we are just thrilled to have him and that he has agreed to come!
Thanks for the note, Amy! Looking forward to it!
Please tell Kathy that I registered twice: Honored guest and Honored Guest2. I did this as a donation to event. I cannot attend. Please feel free to give these seats as a scholarship for someone who cannot afford to pay. Blessings.
I’m not in touch directly with whoever is on the other end in NC. I will email this to my contact person, though, and see what they recommend. Thanks for being so encouraging, too.