I wasn’t aware that the Mirage Men, a book I reviewed here some months ago, was being made into documentary film. I liked the book, so hopefully the film will be well done. Here’s a look at the recently released teaser-trailer.
Mirage Men Trailer

I wasn’t aware that the Mirage Men, a book I reviewed here some months ago, was being made into documentary film. I liked the book, so hopefully the film will be well done. Here’s a look at the recently released teaser-trailer.
That looks interesting. I will have to check it out…
I followed the link to read your review. (I’ll comment here since its newer). I think your analysis is apt. I agree that it’s all driving toward technocracy. Transhumanism is the secular promise of a “New Jerusalem” and the alien mythos fuels faith in scientism and the evolutionary worldview. Someone shared this old (1958!) Mike Wallace interview with Aldous Huxley with me recently: http://youtu.be/1ePNGa0m3XA
It’s rather chilling to see the Brave New World just around the corner.
agreed; it’s all about mind-shift, not some weird human-alien hybrid nephilim program in modern times (where so many Christians are at on this — that would have no deceptive power at all).