Simcha Jacobovici, the man who brought us the feast of non-sequiturs known as the Jesus Tomb, has a new “discovery” for us, just in time for Easter. That’s so weird! Jacobovic now claims he has found — get this — two nails from Jesus’ cross in the tomb. The holy grail can’t be far behind (just a little more digging . . . I think I can, I think I can). And when you find the crystal skull after that, there’s only one more prize to go — the real pay day — the alien body.
Simcha, you’re a man born out of time. Or maybe you’re a time traveler from the Middle Ages, when bogus relic hunting and gathering were where the action was for manipulating the minds of the masses. And now you’ve also found a way to monetize it. Sweet.
I have to wonder how long James Tabor is going to allow his name to be associated with this P.T. Barnum for our time.
Rumor has it there is a sacred Christian alligator engraved on one.
sacred Christian alligator? Read through the posts for that hokum.
Hey! wow Simcha… free lance “journalism” at it’s finest.
Hey, maybe I can be an “expert” in a field that is just a hobby also, hmmm say like that guy who thought the cell was simple, what was his name… Darwin. Yeah, that guy.
I loved this part “And since Caiaphas is only associated with Jesus’s crucifixion, you put two and two together and they seem to imply that these are the nails.”! 😀
Mike, with so much “ancient” nonsense on the Internet and in the media, I find this blog to be really useful.
(This blog is like a child in a candy store “Mom, there’s just so much candy!”)
its seem that a lots of these new relics are somewhat engaged with making religious fanatics fall
to their knees and prey..
the church are emptied, people refuses the last rites.Cinema, televison and false relics are use to renew old supertitions in people.
I was making a bad joke referring to the sacred Christian alligator found on the lead codices.
Hi Mike, we hear how Easter is named for a Babylonian goddess. Do you think this is true?
Short answer: no; but “easter” has a pagan heritage in some sense. The WIkipedia entry on this is actually pretty good, so you could read that. Here is an excerpt:
“The modern English term Easter developed from the Old English word ?astre or ?ostre (IPA: [?æ??stre, ?e?ostre]), which itself developed prior to 899. The name refers to Eostur-monath (Old English “?ostre month”), a month of the Germanic calendar attested by Bede (7th-8th century AD), who writes that the month is named after the goddess ?ostre of Anglo-Saxon paganism. Bede notes that ?ostur-monath was the equivalent to the month of April, yet that feasts held in her honor during ?ostur-monath had gone out of use by the time of his writing and had been replaced with the Christian custom of “Paschal season”.”
There is no evidence in the NT that the disciples celebrated any non-Jewish festival or rite except the Lord’s Supper, patterned after the last supper, which, in timing at least, has a peripheral connection to Passover (depending on the chronology as well). The Lord’s Supper commemorates the Lord’s death “till he come” (and so it also commemorates resurrection in a way). See 1 Corinthians 11.
The Easter holiday commemorating the resurrection was a late development in church history (at least a century after the events of the New Testament).
And this is why science will always lose to religion. Everything in science has to be proven 100% before a skeptic will begin to believe, and NOTHING in the world of science is ever proven 100%.
It’s also much easier to dismiss an uncomfortable piece of evidence with a condescending joke then let the full implications of the finding hit you. Jesus was human, he had intercourse and a son, he wasn’t completely free of sin and the tomb darn near proves it. Christians, this is why I hate you. Love the person, hate the Christian inside of them I always say.
what evidence?
@ reason MHS make strong points about the compatibility in writings between the old and new testaments; its a rational way of thinking just to stick to what it says..the rest i think is whether
you believe in the GOD described in these scriptures. MSH does a good job at debunking myths.If you prefer believing these were nails from jesus cross; feel free..
Personnaly whether these were his nails or not would not had made me believe he was god.I think there is some sort of conspiracy other than money that push people like Simca and the medias to push false religious relics; they like to make people believe, prayand obey a god that is just not there.
Is it possible to believe in the teachings of Jesus without buying the whole man-made institution that is the church (whatever it is roman catholic, Protestant, Anglican, orthodox, whatever)?
of course.