For those Christian readers out there (and anyone else who follows this subject), I recently saw this essay come up in my Twitter account (thanks to Guy Malone for tweeting it).
The “modern nephilim” idea — that there is currently either a military effort to produce new nephilim, or a satanic agenda to do so — is one being circulated widely in Christian circles by various researchers. I think the idea lacks biblical merit and leaves a lot to be desired in the logic category.
The essay includes a detailed chart of how this idea compares to New Age religious worldview teachings. I’d agree with much of the chart, though some of things under the “Bible-based scenario” are presumptious. It would better be labeled “”English translated Bible-based scenario when the Bible is interpreted by fundamentalist literalists who are also pre-trib and pre-millennial.” But that criticism aside, the trajectory of the chart is on target. How do I know given my criticism? Well, that takes us into The Portent, the sequel to my novel, The Facade.
The manuscript for The Portent still sits at 90% done. I haven’t written anything in the last two weeks because the last seven or eight chapters are the most research-intensive of the book. I’ve been reading a lot in the past year and a half in certain areas. For those not familiar with my approach to fiction content, I only read published scholarly material and use data from primary, original sources (in original languages when possible) when it comes to documents, texts, and intellectual content for my story. It’s the sort of thing that separates what I do from what everyone else in the Christian orbit does. I simply have a higher threshold for valid argumentation and source credibility. During the last two weeks I’ve been winnowing material for inclusion in the book, and also to set up any future sequels. The list may mean nothing to you now, but it’s useful for this blog post:
- Nazi occultism
- Gnosticism
- Theosophy
- Ariosophy
- Polar Mythology
- Hollow-Earth Mythology
- Vedic origins
- Indo-European origins
- Aryan mythology
Here’s the point: not only can one say that the “modern nephilim” idea (with its accrued concepts of a gap theory, “advanced ancient technology,” and polygenism – look up the term if you need to, it’s worth it) bear strong resemblances to New Age ideas, it absolutely tracks on a wide range of occult beliefs that directly relate to occult theories on race and racial origins. Put another way, most (and perhaps all, depending on how occult writers reference the Bible) of what is said by Christian researchers in defense of this idea I can show you was also said in a wide range of occult thinkers’ writings since the later 19th century. It’s not a coincidence, either.
Now, am I saying that Christians who argue for this idea are into the occult or are heretics? No.1 I would say, however, they are ignorant of these connections and are not thinking well about what they’re saying. But that’s what happens when we argue for a theory we like, or a theory we’d like to marry to a pet position on eschatology, rather than do exegesis in the original languages or stick to peer-reviewed scholarship on all the related topics. We end up repeating out-moded ideas (read: refuted decades ago in the wake of more data and which are therefore now invalid) that sound impressive only to people not familiar with the academic material.
One of my goals in The Portent is to show how such ideas can actually be quite easily used against Christianity. It isn’t hard, trust me. I could make that (illustrative) case several ways, but I’m just picking one to make the story a good sci-fi read. But everything I use is real — all the ideas are drawn from peer-reviewed *current* research, and all the science is just a pile of money away from specific applications. If I were intelligent evil, and if I had as my goal the demise of the believing Church, I’d be thankful for the modern nephilim idea. And if you think the real goal would be something like faking a rapture, you haven’t thought very far down that road at all. It apparently hasn’t occurred to many that, just as insider dis-information aimed at steering the public UFO discussion might (and I would say probably is) be done within Christian discussion as well. In other words, has it only occurred to me that the current data-challenged ideas within the Christian UFO community (which align so well with the data-challenged ideas of 19th-20th century occultism) might be fueled by unseen intelligences who want that discussion to happen, precisely because they can be used to predict and steer behavior and thinking? If you know anything about the UFO issue and have paid any attention to actual documentary evidence from the inside, you know that psychological warfare is a big part of the whole thing. Why would we assume that the Christian community is not subject to such manipulation?
- It unfortunately seems that Rob Skiba might have drifted into heresy, given his apparent denial of the Trinity. ↩
This is precisely what abductions are all about, for the most part. During alien abductions woman are implanted with hybrid fetuses, which are then removed after the first trimester during another subsequent abduction. The Christian community is finally coming aboard because they realize that cloning human hybrids was an issue in the Middle East and around the world after the melting of the last Ice Age, which seems to have caused the flood in the Old Testament. The AshkeNAZIM, Sephardic, Merovingian New World Order Leaders are the hybrid “SONS OF THE ELOHIM.” Meaning that they are the descendents of the original human alien cloned hybrids on earth. All ancient cultures, that were in bed with aliens (demonic forces), foretold that their alien gods would be back at the End of the Current Earth Age again. Jesus (Yashua) gave human hybrid cloning as a sign of his second coming at the End of this Current Earth Age, which is TODAY.
Many wonder what on earth the Shadow Government, Military and aliens are cloning human hybrids for and why did this process begin to ramp up over the last 60-70 decades. The obvious implication is that these human alien hybrids are going to be part of the END TIME DELUSION OF MANKIND. Prophecy warns of a million-man army that will invade the land and create massive amounts of bloodshed. Rumor has it that there is a FAKED ALIEN WAR ABOUT TO BREAK OUT. The Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church are looking at something coming in from the inner solar system through their Lucifer binocular telescope in Arizona at which point many believe they (False Prophet System) will be formally introducing the Anti-Christ. The Anti Christ, Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge and their fleets will touch down in places like Israel etc., etc., etc.
Now we could say this is all just fantasy but it’s not. Cloning is a reality. The cloning process has ramped up big time over the last several decades. John Lear talks about a friend who worked in the underground bases along side human reptilian hybrids. He stated that they were so human looking that the only way you could tell the difference between them and us is that the second blink was done with their reptilian lid.
Aliens are in underground bases, tunnels, and caverns and they travel to high places (planets). The Bible claims that aliens were forced to live underground after they were kicked out of other dimensions. Like it or not this is not a fantasy it is happening and it is also my guess that their cloning efforts have a lot to do with a coming faked alien war or the RETURN OF THE NEPHILIM (CLONES). Holographic technology is being ramped up. One town experienced an attack from the sky that was simply a hologram. The attack was so real that it wasn’t until they looked at their photos of the event that they realized that it didn’t happen, it was a hologram. So the shadow government, military and aliens are preparing for something and it is my bet that it will be the RETURN OF THE NEPHILIM.
Wonderful post
I hope that after the Portent is released you will spend some time on this idea to flesh it out more.
I would like to know your thoughts on how/if the Mortal Instruments series plays into your theory on modern Nephilim. I went to the movie thinking it was just a story about teenage demon hunters. Midway through, one of the characters muttered something about Nephilim. I bolted upright in shock because I had no idea that this is where they were going with this. I read the book immediately after (for research) and found that the author had created this entire narrative making the ‘Nephilim’ the heroes of humanity. The whole book was stupid/awful, but it seems that teenagers are just eating it up. There are multiple Nephilim fan sites online now because of this series, and that started to put me on edge. What do you think?
What movie? I’ve never heard of a “Mortal Instrument” movie. Other than being about profits, I take all this as the orchestration of a modern *mythology* designed to redefine the nature of theism and humanity. I do more with it than that in The Portent, but I don’t want to get into that here (now).
Speaking of fake raptures: There was once this report of a fake rapture that turned out, of course, to be fake.
I hate myself for thinking that this would have been somehow funnier, had it been real!
I love your scholarship on the Nephilim, but as a wildlife biologist and botanist, I would love to see some physical archeological evidence of said giants. I just don’t buy that “scientists” and the Smithsonian have suppressed every finding ever of really tall people (not your claim, but others’ have made it more or less).
Awaiting The Portent. The Facade ended like an old Republic serial and we need to know what comes next.
I’d like to see evidence of a giant *race* as well, but looking to archaeology back to a time that distant for a *race* is wishful thinking. There were hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people, who died during the first two millennia BC in Canaan. Archaeologists have uncovered several *hundred* skeletons in that land. POINT: the remains of 99% of all humans who existed in Canaan during that time are dust/don’t exist.
I don’t buy the Smithsonian conspiracy nonsense either, but I don’t think we’ll ever see archaeological evidence for giantism on the clan or race scale.
The dispensational tendency to connect all dots literally can take us into odd places. I will admit I arrived in this camp over time via Missler (whom I dearly respect and enjoy) and others. About two years ago I realized how ludicrous all the UFO videos were, as well as all the hoopla over a couple of minor comet events, plus the 2012 Mayan boondoggle.
When the Revelation chapter 8-9 judgements arrive, they will be jarring on every level. There is no other way to envision them. But I think many believers will find the near future not quite as exciting as they anticipate. Instead it might be embarrassing, as one prediction after another regarding ufo disclosure and super soldiers fails to materialize.
I sometimes wonder if the fallen ones have as much creativity as we give them credit for. Instead of them instigating the sociological UFO phenomenon, what if it simply sprung from human fear/imagination. They then had new material to work with. Humans then made sci-fi movies, and fallen angels fed them back to us. You are suggesting even Christians might be joining in the cosmic collaboration.
Yes, that’s what I’m suggesting, though unwittingly. It’s only after “fame” (which is really minimal given the smallness of the environs) that any conscious deception might occur (in this camp), but I think that would be a minimal possibility. Those who purvey this idea really think they’re on to something and think the Bible tells them so. They don’t realize they’re bending the Bible to their will.
Absolutely rockin’ here…looking so much forward to The Portent!
Apart from having to learn a few new terms (always good to reduce my ignorance!), I have a different question here….I’m wondering…what resources, web sites, books, etc., would you recommend to get a better handle on thinking things through logically, rationally, within some type of biblical viewpoint? Something(s) obviously helped you along the way to get here, and I suspect a few of us might benefit as well from those tools. Thanks.
This is one of those easy-difficult questions. To really get the lay of the land you need to see the bigger picture – which in this case means discerning how OLD and re-treaded these ideas are within esoteric / occult literature. There’s a lot written in those areas by scholars – some of it aimed at the non-guild audience (i.e., readers outside academia who want serious, academic non-fiction). When it comes to biblical material, you won’t find much of anything on nephilim that’s coherent (i.e., avoids the Sethite silliness and the modern nephilim cartoon stuff) unless it’s scholarly output, which can be tedious and intimidating for the non-scholar (more the former than the latter).
One thing I’m doing with The Portent that I didn’t do with The Facade is producing a handbook for readers – bibliography and documentation with discussion. I’m guessing it’ll be 75-100 pages. I’ll have recommendations in there; pretty substantial bibliography. If you wanted “starter reads” on any given subject, email me.
I agree with you about the preservation of physical remains in the Middle East. However, though it is not Textual, I think a safe inference is that the Nephilim were in other parts of the globe as well. So we would expect remains somewhere.
Intriguing account of giants in Patagonia from early Spanish explorers which I’m too tired to look up right now. Many readers of this blog may have heard of it. they have remains of these people who were about a foot taller than the Spaniards and surrounding tribes (recall that European mean only averaged about 5’2″ or 5’3″ at the time). But then George Washington was 6’2″. Does that make him a Nephilim (sorry I don’t know how to make this singular)?
Boy could the conspiracy theorists and ancient astronaut pushers have fun with that one! Flash: George Washington was an alien! A demigod!
You may have just given a couple of them another villain (I wish I was kidding).
Yes once people DO THERE HOMEWORK they will learn that the Nazi’s and Hitler went to Patagonia during and after WW2 and that they were searching for the original Scandinavian or Aryan Race it will all make sense to them. Archeologist also found that the Scandinavian remains in southwestern Europe had the same anomalies. The Scandinavian Magdalénien skeletons were around 6’ to 6’-2” where the dark hair dark eyed Solutrean Indians were around 5’6 inches. The Scandinavians were though of a giants and the ruling class of the world in prehistoric times. They lived in villages, had religion, music, trade, industry, art, and wore cloths etc., while the Solutreans were the Hunter Gathers that lived in Teepees. We all have Scandinavian Mitochondria DNA from our mother race no matter what hybrid race we were born into today. What that data tells us is that our original indigenous Scandinavian Mother race existed all over the world and that includes Argentina and Patagonia.
This is classic occult history, hence it’s approved. The “Aryan race” (i.e., Indo-European origins) issue is hopelessly complex and nowhere near resolution. For readers, I recommend Bryant, The Origins of Vedic Culture (Oxford). Long, technical, and thorough. The internet / occult understanding of these subjects is amazingly far from showing awareness of the actual data or state of the question.
No this information that I am sharing has nothing to do with the Occult. What I am talking about are the archeological digs in southwestern Europe as it has to do with the Magdalénien Era. When archeologists described the difference between the Magdalénien Scandinavian race and the Solutrean Indian Adam race they described the Scandinavians as just over 6ft tall where the Solutrean Indians measured about 5’6.” I do not believe that those remains had much to do with Hitler’s Aryan race that appears to have been human hybrids aka the “Sons of the Nephilim.” The Scandinavian history is not that complex but the Indo Aryan data is if you attempt to start your search from the perspective of the 7 out of Africa Mitochondria Races.
You really have to start from Atlantis for the Endo Aryan Race who were known by many names and were a mixed race.
give us all the scientific study citation so we can read it – how this is the mother race.
Is that clear? I want the actual study – a link, journal reference, that sort of thing. I’m doing what I always do — I want the data. If you don’t produce that so I can read it and direct readers to the item, you have nothing.
I’m expecting nothing.
You are absolutely right that the whole modern nephilim concept is everywhere in occult and new age circles, and if it WERE a part of Satan’s end-game agenda, could we expect anything else? You seem to be omitting thr rather significant distinction between the occult/new age appraisal of the whole idea vs. the Christian prophecy folks you are criticizing, that is to say that the former regard it as something positive and the latter as something evil and deceptive! The world is increasingly embracing the idea of genetic “enhancement” as a valid means towards achieving godhood, but those who know Christ should only recognize such aspirations as avenues towards further corruption of God’s creation…
There is no prophecy about a modern nephilim return or program. You can quote me. When it comes to the biblical text, I really do know what I’m talking about. I didn’t get my PhD in that stuff from Cracker Jack or as an honorific gesture. I got a real one the hard way.
Denying this pseudo-prophecy is not denying things like intelligent evil.
Mike I did not get my degrees from a Cracker Jack Box either. The difference between us is that you are a DEBUNKER where I am exposing the truth as are others who consider themselves to be TRUTHERS. We read some of the same data; the difference is the way you choose to interpret it. I have no trouble believing that data I have discovered in my research nor do I have trouble believing those who speak out as informers who are leaking this kind of data. There is so much corroborating evidence to substantiate our beliefs that you would have to deliberately consciously decide to ignorant of what is happening in our world. You are one of these people who play the “I’m not going to believe it so give me my lolly pop so I can go home” game. You are the only one who knows why you play that game.
The difference is that I’m data-driven and coherence-driven. I know it’s irritating. But I live with it.
Michael being data-driven is to your disadvantage. I also don’t think of you as being coherent. I think of you are being closed narrow minded and very negative. You take it too far. I say the moon is in the sky, you say prove it. I say you can see it, you say that’s not proof give me something I can put in a box and file away with a number. Sometimes proof is not something you can touch and put in a box. Some times you have to trust those who do have the proof in a box especially when their is a lot of very good corroborating evidence.
This is like saying insisting on believing things that correspond to reality is a disadvantage.
Kennethos was right – this IS better than reality TV.
No I am simply stating that like you said, you refuse to believe. People who refuse to believe can sit an look at data/proof all day long but still decided that they DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE. It is also referred to as DELIBERATE IGNORANCE.
It’s time to get your own website. I’m not approving comments that are three or four THOUSAND words long. My site isn’t here for you to get a free online presence.
You asked me for information so I sent you my article on the Scandinavian Magdalenien history that i believe is related to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. You did not comment on the article instead you complained because it was too long. My article stands, I did an enormous amount of research on the subject so it is my guess what you are really not happy with is the contents because it promotes a very different history form what we learned in our schools and church’s. It is what it is. Once people DO THERE HOMEWORK they will realize that we have been lied to.
Understand the context for me saying this (in the comments): I don’t care about your article unless you’re a geneticist. It doesn’t “stand” in any sense without those credentials. It’s just more of the hearsay and innuendo argument of which I’ve read hundreds of pages before. Point: You can’t make a genetic argument and say it stands muster unless you have genetic proof that would get the thumbs up from geneticists. The short route is to be one yourself. Be advised that if you reply you are, I’ll want proof of your credentials.
These are not unreasonable requests.
Sorry, Mike…it wasn’t my intention to prompt that much time or effort from you. I agree with all you wrote, and understand it. I suppose I was “running interference” with the other two commenters, trying to help them see things from your perspective (as much as that’s possible or doable).
I may have misspoken re: the Nephilim, in terms of making it sound as if they “still” exist, as opposed to their existence in history, as documented in biblical materials, which was my intention…mea culpa.
Mike, you promote the Bible at least I think you do from what little I have read about your work. Your cop out to anyone who you don’t agree with is that you doubt their credentials or data so lets look at the credentials of the sources you trust that were behind the creation of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church and the Holy Roman Canon.
Emperor Constantine:
Murder, King and ruling dictator of the Roman Empire and Sun God Mithra worshipper who promoted the pagan, satanic worship of ancient Sumeria, Egypt and Atlantis. He was a Power hungry dictator of the most powerful nation on earth, who discovered that clusters of Roman Citizens were talking about and promoting the teachings of Jesus (Yashua). He did what any power hungry dictator would do he blended the teachings of Jesus (Yashua) into the Satanism, paganism and Sun God Mithra worship that was being practiced by the rich and powerful Roman Elite bloodlines, the Roman Army and its citizens, into his newly forming Roman Religion so that he could CALL IT A CHRISTIAN RELIGION7.
Levi Priests:
Todays Jesuits order of the Black Pope who have always been known for their worship of the satanic pagan Kabbala. Going back in time they were the Jewish LEVI Priests who were selling prime livestock to be sacrificed in their pagan satanic bloody sacrificial worship ceremonies who JESUS (YASHUA) KICKED OUT OF HERODS TEMPLE (Rothchilds early Jewish bankers). THESE WERE EVIL BANKERS AND JEWISH POWER MONGERS that were part of the formation of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church. Certainly a group THAT YOU CAN’T TRUST AS FAR AS YOU CAN THROW A WET ALIEN IN THE RAIN.
Jerome and His Copy Pasters:
Were those who assembled, Judaized and paganized the New Testament before they added it to the Holy Roman Canon. The New Testament was actually compiled 200 years earlier by a follower of Jesus (Yashua) and Paul named Marcion (GOOD GUY). It was also referred to as Marcions Bible or Marcions New Testament. Marcions New Testament was widely read in the various Marcion Churches in Rome etc., and respected until Emperor Constantine, the Levi Priests and Jerome and his “Copy Pasters” took it, DOCTORED IT, ADDED TO IT and then placed in their Holy Roman Bible. Once that was complete they destroyed the reputation of Marcion who had been dead for 200 years and unable to defend himself, his reputation and his New Testament. By the way Marcion helped bank roll the creation of the real and ORIGINAL Christian Church in Rome before it was paganized, Satanize and Judaized by these later founders of the JROCCC.
From that point on the identity of Jesus (Yashua) was lost because the world began to worship the identity of Mithra that was super imposed over the identity and teaching of Jesus (Yashua). The world came to call Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge (evil lion-faced reptilian alien) god of the Judah Jews god or lord and to this day they still do not realize that is what they are doing.
THIS DATA IS OUT THEIR AND CAN BE SEARCHED FOR UNLESS YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO FEED PEOPLE A BOWL OF ROCKS. The founders of the JROCCC were as corrupt as they came and the reasons most people don’t know about this is because the truth of who they were and are has been kept well hidden as they forced the masses to worship the SATANIC PAGAN MITHRIC religion of the Holy Roman Empire.
These are the credentials of the founders of the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church (JROCCC). These are the doctrines of devils and demons that you promote that we are attempting to expose. These are the power brokers who have lied to us about who Jesus (Yashua) really was. These are the power brokers who have forced Satanic, pagan Mithra worship down our throats claiming that these beliefs and practices were endorsed by Jesus (Yashua).
THESE ARE CREDENTIALS OF THOSE WHO FORMED THE JROCCC MIKE. THESE ARE THOSE WHO SERVE AND CONTINUE TO SERVE US A BOWL OF ROCKS. THESE ARE THE SOURCES YOU PROMOTE MIKE. It is not me saying this Mike this data is all over the place, hidden in dark places and needs to be exposed and will soon be exposed. These are the doctrines and gods the JROCCC will soon be announcing and they are what we wrongly call aliens today. LIKE IT OUR NOT MIKE IT IS WHAT IT IS.
I have no idea why you’re presume that I think the Roman Catholic church (or any organized church) is to be equated with New Testament Christianity. I don’t.
So much for your argument. Try and find a little bit more about me before making inane connections.
Mike I am talking about the corruption of the entire Roman Canon including and especially the New Testament. I would loved to have read a copy of Marcions Original New Testament, before Emperor Constantine, the Jewish Priests, Jerome and his “Copy Pasters” doctored, added to it and Judaized it. The Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian Church (JROCCC) made sure that the Original New Testament was taken off the market. As a matter of fact the original Roman Canons that were placed in Constantine’s 50 church’s also disappeared. What we have now are copies of copies of copies that are essentially taken from the King James Bible and we all know what a nasty guy this AshkeNAZIM, Merovingian Freemasonic king was.
New Testament Christianity is just as corrupt. Most people don’t realize this unless they DO THEIR HOMEWORK and follow the yellow brick road. I tried to track the movement of the original followers of Jesus (Yashua) who were Nazarenes and members of “The Way” in the very beginning of my research years ago but they went underground as did their beliefs, so none of us have the original knowledge or teachings of Jesus (Yashua). I used to think the New Testament Church was different but it is not.
When you look at the prophecy of the Scarlet Woman, she is cynically toasting us with the Grail Cup. Most of us realize that those who hold the secret knowledge of the Grail Cup would know the real teachings of Jesus (Yashua) and his bloodline, which the JROCCC has locked behind closed doors and in the secret 52 mile long shelves in Vatican Library, etc. KEEP IN MIND THAT I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE VERSION OF THE HOLY GRAIL CUP DATA THAT HAS BEEN PRESENTED IN THE HOLY GRAIL SERIES WHICH COME FROM THE MEROVINGIAN FREEMASONIC WORLD. What I am saying are the truths that have been hidden away from all of us by the JROCCC who appears to be ready to introduce us to the Anti Christ and the Alien Agenda.
This is why I promote only the teachings of Jesus (Yashua). Or at least what we have been told are the teachings of Jesus (Yashua) and many of those teachings that survived are in extra canonical books like the Nag Hammadi Scrolls. Marcion really did seem to have pristine books and letters or Paul in his ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT.
absolute nonsense; now you’re on my real turf, and this is unequivocal BS.
Mike I clicked into these Emails that you sent me today. It appears that you are responding to my last Email (STOP DEBATING THAT THEY’RE HERE AND START DEBATING THEIR AGENDA’S) but your comments don’t make sense. I think you MISREAD my Email or are responding to someone else’s Email instead. In my last Email I used Dr. Dan Burisch as an example of someone who has been mind gamed by aliens, who is promoting the “Alien Ideology.” I used him as an example of how so many who come forward and leak information today, are also people who have been mind gamed with data that IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY AND DELIBERTLY DEVIOUS. There are times when I receive Email responses from you that seem to be meant for someone else Mike or are in response to an Email someone else sent you.
I don’t accept Burisch’s account; it seemed like you did. And there was only one link in a comment. I didn’t send you any emails. If you got an email it was from someone else.
Mike Wrote:
I don’t accept Burisch’s account; it seemed like you did.
My Response:
Next time read my Email/blog response a little closer. This way you won’t misrepresent what I said. No I do not believe that Dr. Dan Burisch is what he claims to be or that what he says regarding the impute he has received from J-Rod, as his supposed handler is anything other than disinformation. What is interesting to me also is that most of the accounts that I read about of people who work for these secret Shadow Government and Military Alien projects have been abduction victims since childhood. I don’t think this is a coincidence. These people have been mind gamed, tampered with and may even be chip implanted since childhood. Approximately 1 in 10 abduction victims are implanted according to Dr. Richard Lear who is the surgeon who removes alien implants. Dr. Dan Burisch then in my estimation is a mind gamed subject which means that the data he shares is very suspect.
Mike Wrote:
And there was only one link in a comment.
My Response:
I sent several links to you in that Email/blog response. Here they are again.
The Dan Burish SAGA – Dan Burisch & Bill Hamilton (RenseRadio) – You Tube
Project Camelot Interviews Dan Burish – Part 1 – 6 You Tube
Escape From Area 51 J-Rod Full Documentary Watch Now! UFO Sightings – You Tube
Dan Durisch Area 51 Alien J-Rod Seg #1 – You Tube
Dan Burisch Pathological Liar Hoaxer Fraud – You Tube
Mike Wrote:
I didn’t send you any emails. If you got an email it was from someone else.
My Comments:
This is a response to this Email I just received from you or your system. I only respond to the Email/blogs that are sent to my Email address.
It seems you get comments that I post in your email. I presume that’s the way you subscribe to comments. I didn’t send you any emails directly.
Roger Leir is an unethical crank, BTW. He stole Derrel Sims’ work, for one thing. Take it up with Derrel. You’ll get an earful.
I when to You Tube to find a video re: Darrel Sims. I had not heard his theories before, I was really impressed. He is a killer bee archetype like I am. Here are a few comments that he makes on the video below;
45% of abductees are the Indian Adams aka Celtic hybrids.
Grays are playing the End Time Scenario with people. It is my belief that those are the ones who mind gamed the ancient prophets.
Yes I also agree that the Praying Mantis was created camera that was created using the DNA of a Praying Mantis insect.
I also believe that when victims think they are seeing a loved one in NDE’s or during abductions etcm that it is a screened image that they use to tamper with their victims consciousness and draw them in. (It’s a screened con).
Yes I agree that aliens heal some people because they were the evil entities that caused humanity to become sick in the first place. Original Man who I believe were our Mitochondria Mothers were incredible. Jesus (Yashua) made that statement and said that we were so incredible we could move mountains at one time. Our original Mitochondria ancestors did not get sick and lived for hundreds of years until these demonic entities began to down grade our Human Genome during the Fall of Man which was really what ORIGINAL SIN WAS ALL ABOUT.
Yes I agree that aliens open ports around us to communicate with us. that those people groups, tribes etc., who conger up the DARK SIDE are also opening up portals.
I cannot find anything that I disagree with him as it relates to my research or what I write about on this video:
Alien DNA Part One – Darrel Sims – FREE MOVIE – YOU MOVIE – YouTube
I will continue to watch his videos, add them to my video list, go to his website and Email him. Thank you for mentioning him.
Truthers like me do not spend our valuable time listening to debunkers and disinformationalists. There is so much going on and so much information to share that I spend time getting that data out there instead. We all grew up listening to misinformation, disinformation and lies about fundamental issues that are critical to understanding the BIGGER PICTURE. Michael you are disinformationalist that promotes misinformation. Whether you are paid to misinform people or whether you are SINCERELY DELUDED YOURSELF may not be that important because the end result is that you are leading people astray. You use the same standard lines such as ‘Give me Proof” that all disinformationalist use, yet when people send you proof you find some way to debunk it or start SHOOTING THE MESSANGER.
One of the reasons we struggle with finding the answers to important questions is because those who have that data have locked it behind closed doors. With luck and in time someone comes out of the closet and LEAKS these truths and risks their lives doing it and WE THANK THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THE REAL HEROS. What is exciting for we Truthers is that every day a new piece of the puzzle seems to be leaked or we take the time to learn something that we haven’t known before so that we can put more pieces in the puzzle. May be it’s good that we don’t have all the answers because the quest for the truth would end and that is such a big part of the ride, it’s the quest for those puzzle pieces that keeps we Truthers chancing tornado’s. I often feel bad for you debunkers and naysayers because there is no thrill in what you do.
What makes me mad at you debunkers isn’t that you are the BLIND LEADING THE BLIND it is that while you play those games with people, some really dangerous data is spreading like wildfire from people who have been mind gamed by the DARK SIDE and our Shadow Government and Military. It’s the “Alien Agenda” data that is hitting the airwaves that goes back to ancient Sumeria, Egypt, Hyperborea etc. These are hybrid bloodline beliefs that come from the AshkeNAZIM, Sephardic, Merovingian, Indian Adam and Black Eve camps that is being spun today about human hybrid origins and the demonic entities that created these slave races.
A good example is Dr. Dan Burisch ( who claims that he is or was with Majestic 12. He claims that he was jumped by the alien Gray J-Rod he was working with. When this happened, this biological R2D2 C3PO downloaded data into his brain. I use Dr. Dan Burisch an example only because he is now promoting the data that the J-Rod game him or taught him over time, which is misinformation disinformation and lies. This is also true for so many that come out today, to leak data that have ties to the Shadow Government and military Black Op’s and Alien projects. They give us some incredible information but at the same time they are inundating us with the Alien version of life on earth, human origins and reality. We are being fed the “ALIEN AGENDA’S”.
The Dan Burish SAGA – Dan Burisch & Bill Hamilton (RenseRadio) – You Tube
Project Camelot Interviews Dan Burish – Part 1 – 6 You Tube
Escape From Area 51 J-Rod Full Documentary Watch Now! UFO Sightings – You Tube
Dan Durisch Area 51 Alien J-Rod Seg #1 – You Tube
This is what you debunkers need to be taking on because the DELUSIONS ALIENS PROMOTE are the lion’s share of what Jesus (Yashua) referred to as the “End Time Delusion of Mankind.” These are demonic entities that have been mind gaming their human hybrids since the beginning of the “Fall of Man.” They rule our world through their Global Elite AshkeNAZIM, Sephardic and Merovingian Elite, operate through the Shadow Government and Military and their human hybrid bloodline descendents that they abduct, rape and experiment on. They are consumet liars. You debunkers need to quit debating that THEY’RE HERE, and start DEBATING THEIR MESSAGE AND AGENDA’S INSTEAD.
This one isn’t worth the time of day. Even Col. John Alexander doubts this guy is on the up and up. You earlier defended Bob Lazar – guess what? Lazar thinks this guy’s story is nothing but BS. To quote Lazar (from the link below):
“This is the biggest bull***t story I have ever heard in my life. Anybody that actually believes this guy should be ashamed of themselves. I never worked at Tonopah. I never met this knucklehead,” said Bob Lazar.
You’re the person here who needs to start doing some homework and thinking more critically.
No Michael you are not data driven you PLAY THE DATA CARD ONLY. The data card is “False Flag” attempt to shut people down. It gives you an excuse to be argumentative. It is a way to discount what people are saying. Anyone can ask for proof but a disinformationalist has a rule. A sort of “Golden Rule” to live by, he never accepts the truth given them, no matter how compelling it is.
That’s new – information is a false flag. So . . . no information produces truth. Truth ex nihilo!
Sorry, but that’s just plain hilarious.
I hope my wife doesn’t read all this about me being a disinfo specialist. She’ll wonder where the checks went.
To “Truth is Strainger Than Fiction,’’
Yes in my books and articles I also share that original man (Our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mothers) who we all share DNA with were born perfect or nearly perfect. I am speaking about the creation that Jesus (Yashua) and his WATCHERS were involved in here and about the our indigenous ancestors that Jesus (Yashua) said could ‘MOVE MOUNTANS”. It was the “FALLEN WATCHERS” aka (demonic entities we call aliens) that came to earth and mated with them who created ORIGINAL SIN. It was because of this mating, cloning and inbreeding between our original mother race that mankind began to get sick age and die. Aliens contaminated our DNA by removing 97 % of it and replacing it with their Copper Based Aquatic Blood and DNA, which is called “Serpents Blood or Reptilian blood” and E.T. Junk DNA. Today we only use 3 % of our DNA, which is called “ACTIVE DNA.” Aliens created the AshkeNAZIM, Sephardic and Merovingian hybrid bloodlines and continue to abduct and monitor them as they continue to TWEEK THEIR DNA. ALIENS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORIGINAL SIN. Remember this verse:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers that have control over this present days of darkness. The enemy we wrestle against are the spiritual forces (aliens aka dark beings) of evil in the heavenly places.” Eph: 6:12
I didn’t say there was a biblical prophecy which clearly refers to a modern nephilI’m program (and the non-cracker jack origins of your advanced theological training are duly noted)
I also haven’t found any prophecies in the bible which would appear to describe the design and execution of a massive false flag attack that would serve the agenda of Satan in the continued deception of the world and establishment of a global government, yet my cracker-jack level thinking has allowed me to accept it as an uncomfortable reality and in all likelihood a part of the Great Deception, even if it means being regarded bt the world, the majority of the church, and certainly theological academia as ridiculous….
So what prophecies are those? There are no prophecies about a modern false flag (USA govt or any other modern govt).
I agree that it is perhaps a gruesome stretch to take verses the “feet of iron mixed with clay” or “as in the days of Noah” and claim them as proof-texts for modern/future nephilim. but how exactly are we “helping” the Enemy if we simply can acknowledge things like the Lebensborn project as being not merely just occult “ideas” but fleshed out occult activities which even if the promises of attaining super-humanhood are utter lies, those lies still have a powerful grip on those who are deceived by them, and devastating effects on all those who have been victims in it’s path…
“Gruesome stretch” is workable. I’d say “terribly inept,” personally.
The rest of your reply illustrates my point: many in the Christian community are borrowing an occult worldview and then simply baptizing it — without knowing it.
I enjoyed your comments about my chart Dr. Heiser. You’ve described the situation better than I did. I’ve been a fan of your work for a very long time.
Hate to say it, Mike, but I’d almost buy tickets to read some of it… better than reality TV! 😉
HAHAHA! I know! The thought even crossed my mind before I hit the send button, but what the heck, can’t live in fear of idiocy. It’d be interesting to see if anything comes out now about GW in the next year or so. You can take credit for it and say “You saw it here first, folks!”
Dr. Heiser,
I really do respect you views. Have you heard of the webzine, Veterans Today?
The senior editor there says that he doesn’t enjoy talking about certain things, that he otherwise thinks he has a duty to expose. His own words are, “I rather be playing music” when he shows up on various talk shows, and is quizzed on such matters. This person claims to have MAJIC access. I have gone “round and round” with this person on various subjects, and not all of them pleasant exchanges.
I want to link to one article, that is self-explanatory, and for the present, is the epitome of this site’s thought:
Perhaps some of this will be of value in the finishing touches of “The Portent.” Maybe not. Just would like to offer this, and hopefully get your take at some point.
Part of me wishes for a “Star Trek” universe. It would be neat living with all those gadgets and stuff. I much rather have a ST universe than say the more exclusive pantheistic “Star Wars” one. I recall in TOS, an episode where in a scene was an actual chapel on the Enterprise. Although, no chaplain was confirmed. I sure hope that was not a chapel of Bainbridge’s Church of God Galactic. Then knowing Roddenberry and his potential association’s with Hubbard et al, that could have been the intent.
Aside from all that, I am a confessing Christian. So, I must long for an eternity that my present humanity cannot comprehend. Not a whole lot of fun in that. Isn’t it?
I’m sympathetic toward these sentiments. Living in a Star Trek universe would indeed be cool (minus the Klingons and Romulans). I looked at the link. The cover art (Nuremberg wood cut) tells me whoever wrote this isn’t thinking real clearly. Looked like yet another piece of conjecture / hearsay. (“I want to believe there are aliens and I was in the military, so my wish must be factual reality”). I don’t base conclusions on hearsay.
On the woodcut and why I said what I said, see here:
Sorry, but I just can’t resist pouring gasoline on an incipient fire. You know the secret Illuminati meaning of NBA? Nephilim Basketball Association. It could also be Nephilim-Born Athletes. That’s why basketball players are so tall, they’re actually the nephilim. The reason the NBA was selected over the ABA had nothing to do with the financial woes of the ABA, it had to do with the entirely occult meaning of NBA.
Think it’ll fly in the right circles?
If you can link that to prophecy you’ll have a bestseller on your hands.
Michael… which particular point do u want “data” on fir starters? Do u require academically accepted and scientifically proven evidence re 9-11? I would say it’s out there, yet no one is going to receive a phd by writing their dissertation on it….
do u scoff at the idea of the historical reality of the lebensborn project? Am i “baptizing” the occult agenda pf of trying to create a “master race” simply by acknowledging it’s existence? According to such logic i would be “baptizing” the Holocaust too, merely by affirming it’s existence…
I require data that corresponds to reality. I could care less about 9-11 claims and arguments. What that has to do with the nephilim I can only ponder (and marvel at any logic-less connection you could contrive).
It just needs to transcend hearsay and non sequitur; it’s not an unreasonable standard. Claims and assertions are not evidence. They are claims and assertions.
At this point I’m left wondering, just how much of these “internet-driven” ideas about the state of the world today do u smirk at, simply they aren’t the sanctioned findings of prestigious scolars such as yourself?
Do u dismiss the reailty of the “NWO agenda” altogether? Is eugenics a joke? Is 9-11 false flag an absurdity to you? How do u sit there and mock so many of your “brothers and sisters” found on places like RRN…? What contribution are u striving to give beyond shaking your head at all the foolish little tinfoil-hatters who are so beneath your intellectual prowess?
This is the sort of example I’m talking about. Because your ideas lack acceptance, there must be a conspiratorial reason why. So it’s “truth by conspiracy” thinking. Again, the standard is reasonable. The data has to be real, and data are not assertions, claims, and non sequiturs.
Eugenics is no joke. But you don’t need a NWO for eugenics. (You’re actually missing my point on NWO talk – I don’t care about it. It’s a useful distraction even if there is such a thing — and it’s just warmed over utopianism anyway; old as the hills. And guess what? You don’t need nephilim for it.)
Back to the topic. Eugenics is a very easily traceable part of history. But eugenics doesn’t prove nephilim. Two completely different items. That two dots exist and you argue for connections doesn’t mean the connection is accurate, even though the dots exist. That’s why there’s such a thing as a non sequitur. Dots and imagined connections are not the same things. One is real, one is imagined or hypothesized. They are different items. Connections between data points that exist are only as “real” as they are coherent. And that’s my charge — the claimed connections are incoherent. And in the case of the modern nephilim nonsense, you are using as an argument what you’re trying to prove: using the assumption of nephilim existence to prove there are modern nephilim. Well, let’s have the biological evidence for ONE nephilim. What do we have? Reports by Barry Chamish? Really? I can’t put that under a microscope (and I’ve had lunch with Barry; I wouldn’t use him as a source for much of anything, especially anything biblical). How about xeno-biology or gene splicing. Whoa … Now we confused a *technology* for an entity. A *capability* does not mean something exists. I have friends who are capable of building a race car, but that gives me no reason to argue that they secretly made one and are now hiding it. The difference between a technology and an entity is painfully clear (or ought to be).
This isn’t about any claims of higher intelligence, though that’s useful for ad hominem attack strategies. It’s about clear thinking, which is within the grasp of just about every person. It’s nothing special.
Hmm….it’s interesting to read the back-and-forth between Mike and “Buyers Beware”, and Truth is Stranger…
If you’ll permit me to add my 2 cents, and I’ll shut up again… 😉
Mike is after hard data, to prove or disprove something. In this case, it’s data points regarding aspects of the Nephilim, which in fact do exists, somewhere in this universe. He’s made logical deductions on them based on source material, whether Scripture or historical sources, and the like. Some of his conclusions are welcomed by the public at large, because it’s an educated (PhD!) person confirming a few things; but the things disproved threaten other folks’ views, and so they feel attacked. Got it. I get the feeling this is where “Buyers Beware” is coming from: it’s all-or-nothing, and perhaps threatens the “fragility” of their world, if everything doesn’t fit together “perfectly” (which it never does, in this reality, at least). His view requires a “magical” world, and includes the conspiracy (“magical” in this cynical age…and perhaps not so foolish, or cynical, if we knew the hard-core “truth” about everything). (This is what I see happening, Mr. Buyer…correct me if I’m mistaken!)
“Truth is Stranger”, on the other hand, also likes what he sees Mike saying, but is less threatened by the data points that don’t correspond to what he believes. Hence, his bringing up some “milder” views to ensure (if only to himself) that *something* still fits together, a la the old rabbinic notion of larger examples to smaller examples (which I recall Jesus using examples of in the Gospels).
In fact, any 9/11/NWO/etc. claims, however true/false they may or may not be, likely have very little to do with Nephilim, but probably belong on a conspiracy site…which UFO Religions ain’t. Now, if you want to come up with data points for those issues, simply come up with some way to force most world leaders to be totally honest/blunt about everything, all the time, and to get it on record, without thought for “realpolitik” or their careers/families/livelihoods.
I don’t see that happening though, anytime soon…though praying for God to reveal all things, in His time, probably wouldn’t be a bad thing in this regard.
In the mean time, let’s be thankful that somebody with a working brain, like Mike, is actually doing some of this hard work (that we *aren’t* doing!), and maybe express some of that gratitude….instead of faulting him for not confirming something out of left field, hmm?
Thanks, Mike!
For the record, I don’t spend much time trying to figure out where commenters are “coming from,” so it was interesting to read this. I don’t believe nephilim exist (anywhere) at present. I believe the biblical account of giant clans could be relating history, but only because I’m not a materialist (that is, I believe in God and the supernatural). If one presumes a supernatural realm, it isn’t hard to posit that a God/god could assume human, corporeal form with all its abilities and limitations. However, I reject (because I see no real evidence that stands up under scrutiny) the myriad bizarre claims we read nowadays on the web (30 foot giants, how nephilim would prove a young earth creation view, how the tower of Babel was some sort of time travel vortex, how aliens built [fill in the blank], that sort of thing). In short, when it comes to talking about “biblical theology” I care only about what the biblical text can sustain. It’s not talking about space ships, aliens, time portals, or giants any taller than really tall people today. You can visit my PaleoBabble blog – click on the “giants” category – for how this relates to Goliath (hint: it has to do with the Dead Sea Scrolls). And it’s the “bed” [possibly, sarcophagus] of Og that was 12 or so feet long, not Og. And if it was the sarcophagus, was it the inner or outer one referred to? And which cubit are we using? Those unanswerable questions mean we can’t know how tall the biblical Gog really was. But I think it’s safe to say “taller than normal.”
The “literal” view described above, however, is not the only “literal” view that is possible. A “mytho-poetic” view (to use an academic term that does NOT mean “never occurred in any sense”) is also possible. It goes like this (erring on the side of brevity here). Just as the Israelites were the spawn of Yahweh (not in a sexual procreative sense, but in that Isaac was born via supernatural intervention in the biblical story), so the biblical writer could have believed that unusual inhabitants of Canaan (abnormally tall people) were the spawn of foreign gods (again, not in a procreative sense, but in a sense akin to Isaac’s birth). In other words, the biblical writers may have believed that other gods enabled the birth of these odd people specifically to oppose them – Yahweh’s people – and Yahweh’s plan for Canaan.
The major difference between the two is of course the direct sexual contact element. The second view would be what’s called a mythic etiological narrative (myth as genre = a story that has divine characters); that is, a story that everyone took literally but which was (only?) designed to provide an explanation as to how the enemies of Canaan came to be. Since Deut 32:8-9 (reading with LXX and DSS) tells us clearly that the biblical worldview was that the known nations were under the dominion of other gods (at Yahweh’s judgment at Babel), the idea that the people of those nations might be conceived as “divine progeny” in the way described above in view #2 would be no surprise (and view #1 would also not surprise). After all, that’s what Israelites believed about their own existence. Without Yahweh’s intervention with Sarah and Abraham, they wouldn’t exist. Could not other peoples believe this about their own gods? That their gods intervened with a human pair and they were (ultimately) the result? That idea isn’t hard to find elsewhere in antiquity.
One possible consistency problem for view #2 is the testimony of Peter and Jude, who clearly reference “angels that sinned” at the time of Noah and the flood (there is no such episode in the OT except for Gen 6). View #1 clearly jives with Peter and Jude, but does view #2? It’s evident that they took Gen 6 at face value (like everyone else until the late 4th century AD). Could Peter and Jude have been thinking of the passage, though, through the lens of view #2? Maybe. Who knows? For me, both views are on the table, #2 chiefly because that sort of thing is evident elsewhere in the OT.
Absolutely none of this is any “evidence” for talking about modern nephilim. Yes, I know why people argue that (Matt 24), but it’s a simple exercise to ask to see the word nephilim in that passage (it isn’t there). But as noteworthy as that omission is, it isn’t the only or even the main reason I think Matt 24 does not teach that nephilim are part of the end times. There are other exegetical obstacles to that. But this is getting far too long. Let’s just say here that there are NO exegetical arguments in favor of that idea, but there ARE such arguments against it.
You chose to characterize what we do and our thinking as magical in this cynical age. For we Truthers we understand that the reason so much of our world does not make sense and the reason why our world is spiraling down the hill is because those in charge of our governments, money and religions etc., are and have always lied to us and are corrupt. We are exposing those corruptions and at the same time attempting to discover the hidden truths that these POWERS THAT BE (Elite) do not want us to know about regarding