This brings up a question about inspiration for me. Generally, evangelicals would not look at the book of 1 Enoch as inspired. So how do you view the status of that portion of the book quoted by Jude and certainly alluded to by Peter? In the podcast you stated something to the effect that they viewed the story of 1 Enoch as true. By including this portion of the book in Scripture would we not be compelled to believe the story of the watchers in prison as being true?
on May 8, 2012 at 8:24 pm
I view it as a source. Biblical writers used sources available to them (e.g., OT writers quote from the Baal Cycle, Paul quotes from Greek poets, OT writers quote from books no longer extant [“book of the wars of the Lord”; Num 21:14], etc.). Doesn’t mean the source is inspired. It’s just source material. Additionally, that they viewed the source as a truthful account of something doesn’t make it inspired. Lots of literary works have truth or are true, both in antiquity and today. Correspondence to reality is not a criterion for inspired status.
on May 8, 2012 at 9:41 am
If baptism is a declaration of spiritual warfare, would you say an infant baptism ceremony has more to do with the parents and the faith community than the one being baptized? Sort of saying, Hands off this one Lucifer!?
on May 8, 2012 at 8:26 pm
yes; it is a declaration of intent.
on November 16, 2013 at 10:57 am
Dr. Heiser,
I am grateful that you are in the world to bring a reality to what the Bible actually says. I appreciate what you bring to light, including (but not limited to) how the ancient Israelites thought and your explanations about the culture in which they lived. They obviously understood circumcision and baptism but the concept (like many others) seems to have become lost in what I call “the fairytale of the Bible”.
The reality of the text is absolutely thrilling. “The Naked Bible” is something I have been looking for, for years. It is my father who inspired me to seek out the truth and I think we all know who initially gave out all of this inspiration. Truly awesome!
This brings up a question about inspiration for me. Generally, evangelicals would not look at the book of 1 Enoch as inspired. So how do you view the status of that portion of the book quoted by Jude and certainly alluded to by Peter? In the podcast you stated something to the effect that they viewed the story of 1 Enoch as true. By including this portion of the book in Scripture would we not be compelled to believe the story of the watchers in prison as being true?
I view it as a source. Biblical writers used sources available to them (e.g., OT writers quote from the Baal Cycle, Paul quotes from Greek poets, OT writers quote from books no longer extant [“book of the wars of the Lord”; Num 21:14], etc.). Doesn’t mean the source is inspired. It’s just source material. Additionally, that they viewed the source as a truthful account of something doesn’t make it inspired. Lots of literary works have truth or are true, both in antiquity and today. Correspondence to reality is not a criterion for inspired status.
If baptism is a declaration of spiritual warfare, would you say an infant baptism ceremony has more to do with the parents and the faith community than the one being baptized? Sort of saying, Hands off this one Lucifer!?
yes; it is a declaration of intent.
Dr. Heiser,
I am grateful that you are in the world to bring a reality to what the Bible actually says. I appreciate what you bring to light, including (but not limited to) how the ancient Israelites thought and your explanations about the culture in which they lived. They obviously understood circumcision and baptism but the concept (like many others) seems to have become lost in what I call “the fairytale of the Bible”.
The reality of the text is absolutely thrilling. “The Naked Bible” is something I have been looking for, for years. It is my father who inspired me to seek out the truth and I think we all know who initially gave out all of this inspiration. Truly awesome!