This episode continues our discussion of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) from the previous episode. Our guest on this episode is Dr. Michael L. Brown, biblical scholar and host of the well-known radio show, Line of Fire. Dr. Brown has long been part of the charismatic wing of Christianity and has ministered in a wide variety of capacities in that context. He has also been a persistent internal critic of the abuses and fringe behaviors within the charismatic movement. In this episode Dr. Brown relates his own experience with the NAR as an infrequent point of discussion within charismatic circles. He therefore doubts its validity as a movement, though the general influence of charismatic ministry has had great impact despite clear abuses in doctrine and practice.
Naked Bible Podcast Episode 180: Continuing the NAR Discussion with Dr. Michael L. Brown

This is what he said, this is what I heard,” No Senator McArthey, there is no communist party activity in the United States”. “No Senator Kennedy, Mafia, whats that?.” “No, why smoking’s not linked to any health issues that we are aware of.” “Santa’s on his way” Ah yes, glory clouds clouds, angel feathers in the heat ducts, kissing the feet of a cardinal and the anointing of Todd Bentley. Just thee tip of the iceburg. Seven Mountians Mandate, seven mountians in Revelation. When these guys showed up the Bible became obsolete.