Episode 61 is now live. It’s an interview with my friend and fellow-traveler David Burnett. though only at the beginning of his doctoral work, David is already an emerging scholar. He’s a fellow-traveler in the divine council worldview of Scripture. Even more remarkable, he’s a pastor of small church in rural Texas. I think you’ll enjoy him.
Naked Bible Podcast Episode 61 – Interview with David Burnett

Very good interview Mike. Very Interesting! I really liked David. I’ll review his site and literature.
Great podcast as usual. Thank you so much.
Looking forward to Leviticus. Had only one brave pastor going through Leviticus verse by verse 20 years ago – that Bible study took few months. It was great.
God bless.
Really appreciate David’s spirit, which is what this intelligent seeking of God does. What so far, have been the main take aways from this teaching that we can have are , among a number of “tops” Sanctification, and the absolute importance of it, well, Just like Scripture says ” Without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord” and another is more of that ability among us who have known the Lord for a LONG time, to be able to say ” You know, I am going to change a doctrine that I have held to for a long time, in light of something God is showing me”— I have done it, Mikes epilogue is about that, and this is what has made me just praise and praise pastors ( and one of several I am thinking about right now ,happens to be a pastor of one of the foremost mega churches in the country) who just one Sunday said,and he delightfully did it whith humor, ” Some of those things I taught 20 years ago, I don’t know where in the world I got that stuff” -lol— I hope One of the ideas we can change ,is changing that phrase, ” Do you know who you are in Christ ? ” to ” Christian, do you know who GOD is in us ” ? I know, I know, it could be said either way, but I see it as another good way to get the focus off of SELF out of the church. Wouldn’t you agree that saying ” who GOD is in us” takes the focus a little bit more off of self ,and onto GOD, where it should be ,instead of saying ” who YOU are” ? The texts for this is ” All things From Him, Through Him, and To Him ” and ” I AM” I mean, God soley says ” I AM” He doesnt need us, AT ALL , which you clearly Theologically messaged in your book. Now, understand, I am not making a case saying it is ” wrong” to say it the other way, just saying –don’t you agree that it does take the focus off of self a little bit more, which is the thing that is so greatly needed in the church these days ? To promote the understanding ,that it is Gods own glory, the sole reason He lovingly gives us mercy. I know, I know, your probably going to tell me that grammatically, I cannot support this and all that. But still, Spiritually, doesnt it get the self out even More,when we say, ” who GOD is in us” than saying ” who WE are ” ? And that is another great take away that we can get from this whole thing, the fluidity of it, I mean, that More Unseen Realm site is wonderful ! We get to talk about this as we go along ! — Along the same line here, as I was reading through some of the things on the More Unseen Realm website, I came across what you say about your teaching another man not being born sinners. I agree with that . And yet I think God messages to us that “There is no good thing, in me, that is my flesh” And that is what God is showing by the whole OT story. I mean, does Jesus saying,” You brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs, false faces, twice the sons of hell makers, hey, but you ddn’t cheat on your wife” Make any sense ? Mind you, I did say I totally agree with you that man was not Born sinners. I just think the case for men being sinners, and Total sinners at that, is made from what has actually occured, and that we Are total sinners, even if we don’t cheat on our wives ( motives) and the ( The OT climatical idea) and because of what the core of mans sinfulness is, holding on to any SELF , and not seeing God as the All in all.
Hi Mike
I’m really interested in getting hold of some of David’s content – particularly the “So shall your seed be” material. Do you know where I could track down that recording of David’s presentation?
I have his paper; email me if you’d like a copy.
I was disappointed to see the chaos/leviathan material removed from the book. There is also nothing on the companion website. In my mind this was one of the more compelling pieces of your draft because it showed lay Christians something they had never seen before and it did so with the very first chapter of the bible. It was a powerful introduction to the rest of your work. It showed people there is so much more to the bible right from the opening verses. Pleas put the material from your draft on the companion website.
Can’t put everything in there. The editor (and others) thought it was a rabbit-trail where it was (i.e., it wasn’t a cohesive part of the content). I tend to agree with that. At any rate, the “all the world isn’t Eden” stuff in this book will provide a foundation for chaos content in book 2. To attach it to the “all the world isn’t Eden” material here would necessitate a 1-2 chapter explanation (a rabbit trail).