We’ve reached the end of our Leviticus study; thanks to those who’ve given it the thumbs up! The episode is now live.
Naked Bible Podcast Episode 84 – Leviticus 26-27

We’ve reached the end of our Leviticus study; thanks to those who’ve given it the thumbs up! The episode is now live.
Thank you for tackling Leviticus Mike.
It’s been awesome. You have shown again that each book in the Bible matters greatly. Have enjoyed it tremendously and can barely wait for what’s next.
I also believe that it’s by design that you are in this position to teach us, scattered Christians.
What you present makes so much sense it is hard to believe that people don’t get it.
May God bless you in everything you do
Wow!!! What a way to end Leviticus! I will have to listen to this several times and I hope to sneak in a question for the next Q&A on this episode. Amazing!
You have shown again that each book in the Bible matters greatly. Have enjoyed it tremendously and can barely wait for what’s next. Where such information?
At the end of the last Leviticus episode I have a list of the topics coming next. (Or maybe it was the Q & A that followed).