Just a heads up, as I am often asked about such resources. This link leads to two reviews of this new book:
My “go to” recommendations for this sort of information, though, are Walton’s two volumes:
Ancient Israelite Literature in its Cultural Context (1994)
Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament (2006)
If you’re looking only for academic resources related to all this (bibliography) see Kenton Sparks’ volume:
Ancient Texts for the Study of the Hebrew Bible: A Guide to the Background Literature (2005)
Hey Dr. Heiser, first, thanks for all your blogs (and your book too now that I think about it). I think I will be picking up the two Walton books for my dad for Christmas and was wondering if, since you recommended two books by the same author if you would also recommend one or both of his books on origins (The Lost World of Adam and Eve and/or The Lost World of Genesis One)? (I might grab them for my brother if you’d recommend them)
I’ve read the Lost World of Gen 1 and like it. I’ve not read the other, so I can’t say much there.