I just added another event to the events calendar. I’ll be speaking about the content of the book in Atlanta on November 21, from 6-9 pm. The location is not yet nailed down, so stay tuned.
New Unseen Realm Event in Atlanta, GA

I just added another event to the events calendar. I’ll be speaking about the content of the book in Atlanta on November 21, from 6-9 pm. The location is not yet nailed down, so stay tuned.
Will you have books for sale? I would love to get one signed.
I should have some with me.
Got any details on locale yet?
nope; asked today via email though.
Excited to meet you after years of using your materials and referencing your work in my Sunday School class.
Thanks; looking forward to it.
Thank you for coming down.
The world view we have today, which the monotheism promulgated by modern religion is a product of, obfuscates the truth of the one true God.
From a warfare perspective, it only makes sense that the enemy would promote a spiritually dead world view. If your enemy doesn’t know who you are, or how to recognize you, you are all the more vulnerable to their attacks.
After the whomping they took by Jesus, and the apostles, they realized they needed to change tactics. They have been in a guirella war with the church since then, undermining our infrastructure, and hitting us where we are most vulnerable.
Now we are at the point where most people have no idea the truth of their beliefs, much less what the enemy of their beliefs look like. Now that the enemy feels confidant most people have been blinded, they are ramping up for the counter attack.
Dr. Heiser, what next?
Also, an analogy for Elohim that helps make sense of the concept for me is Earthling.
Thanks, and agreed. Not a bad analogy – captures the “domain” idea.
*If your enemy doesn’t know who you are, or how to recognize you, they are all the more vulnerable to your attacks.
I got that backwards there
Read the two classics. True Christian Religion & Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
read someone’s account of channeled alien messages for theology? I don’t think so.