Here’s a link to a pretty lengthy piece by a science writer for Discovery News (“Nibiru: Imaginary Planet Blamed for Earth’s Woes“). It’s well worth the read. The writer calls the Nibiru notion what it is: pseudo-science largely based on a chick channeling aliens. Got to love that! (I wish the article had linked to my own nibiru page, though).
Nibiru Nonsense Gets Attention from the Mainstream
Michael this is an article for your consideration
by Dr. Barry Downing.
Jim Cunningham
Jim – it didn’t really go to an article, but did go to your site (I like the layout and look, BTW).
Thanks Michael: Sorry I sent the wrong link……
If time allows… it is the UFO Revelation 12 article…..the final chapter in a 12 part series.
The article is in the latest news category…there are eleven prior chapters,,,, but that is a long read for most…I have encouraged Barry to get closer to his point for writing on the UFO enigma material and chapter 12 of his article does that hopefully in a better and more defined way.
Thanks again
Jim Cunningham
I’m groaning.
It will he hard to believe (well, I guess not) if Barry thinks Rev 12 has anything to do with UFOs. The chapter gives an astronomical/astrological/astro-theological description that has been well understood (see the book, The Star that Astonished the World – or go to to read if for free). This is the astronomical reconstruction of Jesus’ birth that one would see in many planetariums (and that is basically ignored by biblical scholars, who for some reason don’t every think of Rev 12 as astronomical – I do, some others track here as well). The reconstruction is so easy to track with desktop astronomy software that Barry might as well argue that it was a UFO at Kitty Hawk. Then again, it’s Barry Downing, so maybe he does think the Wright brothers learned what they knew from aliens.
wow – I just scanned through Barry Downing’s article and actually feel relieved. He doesn’t deal with Revelation 12. When I saw “Revelation 12” in the title I though he was going to be going through that chapter. Whew!
Michael: I am not sure but I think he took it as an off shoot title of the current pursuit of the Disclosure crowd.
Jim Cunningham