For real.

The site is called Elyonim veTachtonimHere’s the description from the site:

Elyonim veTachtonim project web site. As of today the first version of the database is finally available on-line and:

  • covers the Babylonian Talmud [BT];
  • bases on the Soncino Babylonian Talmud (English) and Wikitext Talmud Bavli (Hebrew, Aramaic);
  • distinguishes between three classes of entities: angels [ang], demons [dem] and ghosts [gho];
  • (more or less) all the units involving dem of the BT are done; these with ang and gho are still in the stub form;
  • distinguishes between six genres: biblical anecdote [bib], rabbinic anecdote [rab], cultic protocol [cult], pragmatic advice [prag], proverb [prov] and statement [stat];
  • recognizes a number of entities and topics;
  • covers all the attitude types.

I don’t know if the database is searchable (I couldn’t find a way to do that), but it can be downloaded in Excel format.