Those who read my Dec 22 post (“Looking Ahead to 2016“) will know that Miqlat is my newly established non-profit designed to help me produce more content. This past week I had a Skype conversation with Trey, Joe, and Greg (see the Dec 22 post for those names) about progress in making Miqlat part of my existing website and overhauling the website generally. We thought it would be wise to ask the audience a question that will help us think well about design and, subsequently, spreading the word about Miqlat. To that end, I’ve made a one-question survey that I hope many of you will respond to. Please have a look and share your thoughts!
Please Give the Miqlat Team Some Guidance

amen to you brother mike. hope you have a wonderful day in the light of Jesus Christ!!!
Dr Heiser,
Have you thought about using Amazon smile?
It can be a great way to slowly build in trickle funds.
I’m currently supporting, but I’ll switch that in a heart beat to help you!
I’ve never heard of it. I’ll look it up.