Jason Colavito as a lengthy summary of a recent “Unexplained Files” episode (apparently the Science Channel wants to a be the new Fantasy [er, History] Channel). The episode was on the so-called “Bosnian Pyramids.” They aren’t pyramids, and Jason’s review does a good job of sketching the problems (even getting debunked by “fringe” archaeologists).

In case you think I’m too hard on the Science Channel, think again. I’ve twice been asked to be in this show. Both times I sent the questioner this link to my fiasco experience with the History Channel. My request to these shows and the production crews that contact me is transparently simple: let me record the interviews as well and give me assurances *in writing* that you won’t edit me to make me say things I don’t believe. With that in writing and a parallel recording in hand, I’d sue the pants off them if they did that. They know that, and so I get a formulaic response about how TV doesn’t work that way, and that no show would let contributors have veto power over the final product. Translation: There’s no way we’ll give you any opportunity to defend yourself in the wake of a hack job.

The above is why I’m not on these shows. I tell readers all that to re-affirm a simple truth: shows like Ancient Aliens and Unexplained Files and other shows that promote paleobabble are not about revealing and dispensing truth. They are about getting viewers and making money through advertising. If they were interested in the truth, they *would* give content experts they invite to participate the opportunity to correct things — so they get it right. They don’t care about any of that. And if you believe what you’re watching, you’re just the kind of gullible viewer they chuckle about as the money pours in.

Heck, when a researcher for Ancient Aliens thinks the show is ridiculous, why do you believe the content?