If you’ve followed the comments, I’m the one late to this party. Some folks who follow the Naked Bible blog saw this a little while back, but today I got official permission to announce it. Both The Unseen Realm and Supernatural are now available as audio books through a subscription to Audible.com. That means they are NOT books on CD. You have to subscribe to Audible.com (go to the respective Amazon links). I have not been told they will be available in audio CD format, so I don’t know.
Unseen Realm and Supernatural Now Available as Audio Books

Thanks Mike. I have already downloaded both books and told all my friends who don’t like reading to get the audiobooks instead!
I noticed that it’s the same narrator(as Supernatural) on Unseen Realm, so I’ll be using my next audible credit for that on my subscription!
I find studying easier when I use the combination of audio and standard book together.
This is a great study tool Dr Heiser, I’m really trying to make your name known across the Cleveland Ohio area, I’m so tired of the prosperity garbage we have here;this depth is greatly appreciated.
Just so every one knows, Audible offers a free book to first time subscribers.
I wish more academic books would make the leap to audio. There seems to be some kind of fear surrounding that. I understand how things like charts and tables don’t make the transition well. But like the other commentor, I learn much more with my ears than my eyes.
Will your novels be available through audible.com in the future?
Not to my knowledge. I doubt the publisher has any such plans.