Trey and I have decided to conduct a poll on what book I should go through next on the Naked Bible podcast. You’ll have at least a week to vote (perhaps longer). Just make your choice below to vote! You can also click to view the results — how the poll currently stands. Voting ends on the evening of July 25.
Vote on the Next Book Study on the Naked Bible Podcast!

that would be my preference, but I’ll go with whatever the outcome is.
I’ve been thinking a lot about that. I’m all for listener participation and I LOVE the ability to vote on the next podcast. What pastor do you know would let you vote on the next sermon??? That’s super cool and really very gracious of Mike and Trey… but the truth is if left up to a popularity contest Leviticus and Obadiah would never have made the cut… that’s why churches don’t touch them. This is why I admire Dr. Heiser’s willingness to tackle highly neglected books. 3 of my top 10 favorite episodes come from Leviticus! That’s crazy!
Mike has given us a list of highly neglected books to choose from. The fact that Paul is in the rear is a testament to the Naked Bible audience not being your run of the mill church goers. I’m rooting for Jeremiah but idk if it can contend with the flashiness that is Ezekiel. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if the votes simply determined the order in which these books get done. We could even toss in Ephesians (since Ephesians and Colossians both deal with magic) and just work our way through all 4, granted over the course of a couple years 🙂 idk just a thought on how to look out for the least of these.
It may determine order. The three nominees were the ones I was most interested in, so a loss doesn’t mean the others won’t happen.
That would be really cool. I think we are all interested in all 3 books. An OT book followed by a NT book followed by an OT book certainly provides a nice balance.
Plus, I fully support any scenario where you do both the book of Jerimiah and Ezekiel 23 🙂
Have a nice day sir!