I’m considering this topic; long overdue on my personal “think through this” list, but perhaps not for the blog, or only in a limited way for the blog. What I’d really like is to form some sort of reading group where we all read through The Evangelical Universalist by “Gregory MacDonald”. Â The name is a pseudonym, and the author recently revealed his true identity.
The reason I’d like to form a reading group is that we could discuss the book and its arguments slowly and carefully, a chapter at a time. I’d like the interaction to be informed by the reading material, as opposed to random posts (and rants) on this subject appearing on the blog. I really don’t want to (frankly) take up my time in the form of responses like “hey, go read this and you’ll understand the argument or why I don’t like about X.”
Let’s hear some feedback. If I get 5-10 people willing to buy the book and read it, I’ll form a Google group for us and set up a reading schedule to discuss the book. Some material from that group might appear on the blog, but there’s no guarantee. Â Maybe by the time we’re well into it I can re-purpose it for the broader readership.
What say ye? Â I’ll give this a week or two to let you all know there’s a committed group and if we’ll do it or not.
that book sounds interesting.. count me in
I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on this one…universalism is only “interesting” in passing, don’t think I could do a whole book on it. Rather finish reading The Twilight of Atheism by Alister McGrath (cool book).
Okay, Mike.
I know this isn’t a done deal, but I’ve taken a step of faith and ordered a book. If this book club actually happens, I don’t know how much I could contribute to it, because of my limited knowledge, but I do believe this is an issue I need a better grasp of.
So, consider this as one vote for the book club!
P.S. Would it count as two if I got my wife involved? 😉
Count me in… I would definitely like to discuss this topic…
i’m kinda new to this kind of thing, but i would definately like to read this book and discuss it with the group.
I would like to join in, although as a layperson with only a rudimentary understanding of evangelical universalism, I don’t know how much I’d bring to the table. Maybe you can count me as half a person.
Please count me in as one of the five to ten to study The Evangelical Universalist by Robin Parry aka Gregory MacDonald.
I too have ordered the book, so count me in as well please.
Hi Mike,
Ok… ordered the book… looks interesting!
I was undecided, but ok Im in too
Count me in. I will enjoy reading the book again and discussing with you all.
I’ll make sure you get the group invite.
please include
Is there still time to join the group? I’d like to if possible.
please count me in. I know it is late but I am very interested in the topic.
email is sbrooks2843@yahoo.com
I ordered the book and it will at my house in 3 days
I left a reply at a different location indicating my interest to join in if there’s still room. I just received my book about 30 minutes ago.
did I add you?
Well, I have already read the book so I will give it a skip (and, being somewhat biased, I am not the best placed person to comment on its pros and cons). But I am pleased that you want to read the book. I hope that you find it helpful.
No, I haven’t gotten an invite to the Google group. It could be because I’m not very conversant with the layout/communications via blogging and could have responded at the wrong place. I’ve read the intro and part of the first chapter of the book, so if there’s still room, I’d like to join; if not, I understand. Thanks.
Greetings. I requested to be added on April 30th. Haven’t received an invite but do see that others have requested one as well.
Is there still time to jump in?
I know we are in Chapter 1 week , but did the Google group already begin ? No invite here either .
sent you one now
I know this is late (just discovered) – is the reading group over? is there a summary or transcript available of the discussion? Let me know – I am interested
it’s sort of puttered out; we’re three weeks in and trying to kick-start it back up. Email me in a couple days when I know if that was successful. You could catch up.
I am very much interested in hearing your take on this very important subject, Mike. Please count me in, if it is not too late. Thanks! 🙂
I too would be very interested in your opinion on universalism in a blog please, Mike.
we’re reading the book; I’m not blogging about it.
Hey! Just saw this, haha! I don’t think I even knew about you when you posted about this. I was wondering if this group was still around? I’d like to see what you guys discussed about it! I know Robin Parry on a semi-familiar basis.
long gone.