I was reminded again this Sunday morning how rare you folks are, and I’m grateful. What do I mean? In a culture where adults either cannot or (more likely) simply will not think about anything deeply, there’s you. Agree or disagree, you’re committed to thinking about the Word of God if you read the Naked Bible and keep coming back. I was told by someone this morning that no one really listens to me anyway (the comment came when I was expressing my wish that the Christians could just find the will to NOT want to be entertained for just one hour in a week). Maybe the Barna organization wouldn’t get poll results like these if that happened. It could be true that most people don’t or wouldn’t listen to my complaint/wish, but I’m completely unrepentant about wanting church to be God-focused and Scriptural-content-focused. I trust you are, too.
and a hearty Amen to that! We go to church something like 4 days a week and only spend 30 mins of actual “bible study”…criminal! The rest of the time? Busy-work and opinion based preaching…there’s legit gospel power, but MAN where are the Studies! Thank God for blogs such as yours!
Well, I’m glad that many of us are determined and persevere in the Truth. I know my faith (which isn’t blind) in God is real and that there is evidence in my conversion and in the conversion of some closed ones and in such an advanced scientific world…I am not wasting time with God and deep bible studies. If my belief was blind, I would not be so consistent. I would be someone that believes God exist with no apparent relationship/communication; no transformation, and no life.
In this day and age, the majority of youngsters like me wouldn’t listen a bit, they want entertainment. But God has shaped me through hardships and I became what I am, a new creature 🙂
Guess that makes me “no one”.
@Diane: thanks!
@blop2008: thanks – One of the things I enjoy most (though these days I rarely hear it) are testimonies of how people came to the Lord. So many of them are better than the best stories we could think of.
Man, I just found this site friday night.
I’ve been having michael heiser overload over the last 48 hours…and loving it, re-listening to your various interviews at futurequake and P.I.D. and now this site.
From the depth and breadth of these posts, it looks like I have ALOT of catching up to do.
Thank you for doing this blog, adn thank you for being “more orthodox than the orthodox.”
@tom bionic: you’re welcome – and yes, there is a lot of catching up! Just be patient as you read; you’ll follow.
i truly appreciate all of your writings, blogs and insight…you are a greaaaat blessing.
man tom bionic and Michael Heiser… my role models. 🙂
I’m sure he’s laughing, too.