Just a quick heads up. Several Naked Bible readers have tried to connect me with Dr. Michael Brown over the years. That connection has finally happened. I’ll be on Dr. Brown’s Line of Fire radio show tomorrow from 2:00-2:55 EST. I think the show will be an introduction of me to his audience, but we’re bound to land on some of the topics I’m known for, like the divine council, Paleobabble, and my fiction. Try and tune in!
Mike to Appear on Line of Fire

Wondered if you guys had ever gotten together. Really looking forward to this!
Archive of show episode can be found here: http://www.voiceofrevolution.com/lineoffire/shows/line_of_fire_07_23_13.mp3
I enjoyed the interview quite a bit. Great job, Dr. Heiser.
I’m familiar with all of the first draft versions of the myth book, but hearing you outline and explain certain aspects of this particular world-view, as is necessary when addressing first-time listeners, is always very educational and enjoyable. Now I have the desire to go re-read the last first draft. Really looking forward to the published edition.
me too (!)
It was fun; hopefully we can do it again sometime.
Nice, and about time. I remember trying to get you guys together over the nephilim wording in Hebrew as giants which relates to the book of numbers and was hoping the topic served as a seg way to the divine council which is needs to be shared in the main stream. Minds are about to be blown !
May God bless this oppertunity.
Wonderful interview and discussion! The highlight was hearing a highly distinguished academic like yourself describe the topic of demon terminology as a “critter” Loved it!
Here’s to hoping you have more such interviews soon.
I’m usually good for one of those!