There’s been a spate of resources that have popped up online in recent days for excellent resources to study the ancient world. Some of these resources have been around a while, but have gotten some recent attention and traffic on various blogs and news sites. Here are some valuable links:

The New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS) Online

  • this is the most recent scholarly translation of the Septuagint

The Gospel of Thomas Resource Center

  • Do your research on Thomas here, not with Dan Brown and Michael Baigent. That way something you say about Thomas has a prayer of being right.

The Ancient World Mapping Center

  • The Center promotes cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities.

Giza 3-D

  • For the first time, the latest and most exhaustive information available on the Giza Necropolis will be made available to everyone through a realistic experience that can satisfy mere cu- riosity or encourage more demanding research inquiries