For those thinking of attending the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) this November in Providence, RI, the tentative schedule has been released. I will be moderating the new Israelite Religions section, and reading a paper in the section as well. Here’s the schedule of that section:

Wed., November 19

Rhode Island Convention Center, Room 551 B


THEME: Israelite Religions

Moderator: Michael S. Heiser (Logos Bible Software)

8:30 AM-9:10 AM

Robert Chisholm (Dallas Theological Seminary)

Subduing Rahab and Leviathan: Can the Cosmology of Psalm 74 Be Reconciled with Genesis 1:1-3?

9:20 AM-10:00 AM

John Hilber (Dallas Theological Seminary)

Ancient Near Eastern Prophetism: Were Israel’s Prophets Unique?

10:10 AM-10:50 AM

Ronn Johnson (Northwestern College)

The Sons of God and Deuteronomy 32:8-9 as the Backdrop for Paul’s Principalities and Powers

11:00 AM-11:40 AM

Michael S. Heiser (Logos Bible Software)

The Concept of a Godhead in Israelite Religion