Jason Colavito is doing all of us interested in the topic of giants a service with this page-in-progress on his website. It’s got a good number of entries/examples already. Check it out!
Textual References to Giants in Classical, Medieval, and Early Modern Sources

I kind of figured if several wide spread religions had giants and a flood epic in them, that was evidence the 2 things were reality.
With secular evidence, it seems more likely to me anyway.
As much as I adhere to literal giants in Genesis 6, their skeletons are as illusive as hard evidence for Bigfoot. With the accounts that are less than 150 years old, I would think the actual skeletons of giants to be unusual and of enough value that at least one would be preserved somewhere.
The tales of skeletons 30-60 feet in height are comical. I can only imagine someone mistook a woolly mammoth ribcage (and skull?) for being a humanoid giant.
yep; see the most recent Paleobabble post as another example.