Back in September I blogged about the grass roots effort spearheaded by the Paradigm Research Group to petition the White House to ‘fess up about “an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. (Here’s a description of the petition at the Open Minds website.) I noted at the time that, though I think the truth should be told, I was ambivalent about the effort. That ambivalence has now been validated by the White House’s response: “We don’t know anything and know of no proof for ET visitation.”
Can you see the irony and humor in this?
What exactly did the petitioners think they were going to get in the way of an answer? I’m guessing for many the optimism stemmed from the misguided belief that the Obama administration was a transparent one. If you believe that, you might be interested in some of Harold Camping’s new calculations for the rapture. But to be fair, no government is going to put forth this sort of information (if they had it) unless it served them politically (or, to be slightly more cynical, unless it was an important cog in some larger end game scenario of the federal powers that be and the military-industrial complex). It’s just naive to believe the federal government would be forthcoming about this (and a whole host of other things).
The irony is that, now that this administration has given the same answer as all the others in the past — including those that the disclosure crowd loved to hate (Bush, Rumsfeld, etc., etc.) — are they going to believe that President Obama has indeed been forthright and so the issue is finally settled … or are they going to turn on the administration, arguing it’s just as sinister and clandestine as the previous one? The former is a double-dose of naivete; the latter shows just how misguided the whole idea was in the first place.
I can hardly wait for someone to “decode” the response and milk more conspiracy out of this.
Hmmm… Well they said “extraterrestrial” so if the presence of nonhuman intelligence was already here, then they didn’t lie. *wink*. Also, “no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.” That could mean the evidence is hidden “in plain sight.” *more winking*. There’s you some conspiracy.
I’m kidding, of course, I really don’t care either. Still fascinated by it all but really, transparency from these guys? You’re quite right, that’s a joke in itself.
It’s also curious though isn’t it, the level people have come to rely on government to validate anything. Haven’t people for eons believed we were not alone? So if you do believe that, does it matter that the govt won’t say it? But I know, I know, it’s the idea that the govt may be withholding technology and so forth, and if that is the case, then a petition is hardly going be of any use at all. And if the powers that be are indeed so powerful, they won the secrecy game long ago. If they “control” everything, then they control everything. 🙂
I love it. Your line about people relying on govt for validation is telling.
I agree. I’m not sure what they expected with this request.
As for your “some larger end game scenario” comment, I for one believe we are headed for that. While all the chaos going on in this country and around the world is nothing new (it is the early 20th cent. again in many ways), what is new is the ability to spread misinformation throughout the world so quickly. Add to that the fact that people are ignorant all over. Theyre not necessarily dumb; they just dont know.
Powerful people can seize on that ignorance with electronic communications at a level never seen before in history. They can shape what people believe around the world in ways that are simply frightening. What is worse, in my opinion, is so much of the so-called intelligentsia, here and abroad, are ignorant too. They believe theyre not, but they are.
I dont think Obama, Bush, Clinton, or Reagan know or knew anything substantial about the UFO phenomenon because they are simply pawns in a much larger game. And Id guess unwittingly. I think we are heading for some kind of mass delusion on the part of those in power (the ones behind the scenes). Perhaps it has already begun.
Having worked for government for several years I simply cannot believe in large scale competent conspiracies. These guys can’t get payroll right and you want them to manage coverups, covert ops and alien autopsies without anyone leaking information? There is no ‘alien conspiracy’ – just a long standing demonic one.
have to love this! However, when these sorts of conspiracy things get talked about by insiders, my experience is that they are SMALL (a handful of people in the know + compartmentalization of the people who do the work = black project). That sort of thing. But who knows. There have been such things (Paperclip, MK-Ultra, other experimentation), but who knows?