Not Paleobabble; this is for real. A couple weeks ago I blogged about Andrew Collins’ discovery (and Zahi Hawass’ ridiculous denial). Here’s a link to a video of the caves.
And the Talking Pyramids blog is a cool one.
Not Paleobabble; this is for real. A couple weeks ago I blogged about Andrew Collins’ discovery (and Zahi Hawass’ ridiculous denial). Here’s a link to a video of the caves.
And the Talking Pyramids blog is a cool one.
Just to let you know I have put back online the YouTube video showing our
Giza cave discoveries in 2008. It now has new footage, some descriptive
text, and a different music soundtrack (Arab Sufi music).
Take a look, and see what you think:
If you have not been keeping up with the story, Dr Zahi Hawass has officially denied the existence of Giza’s cave underworld. He remains fixed in this view, even though the footage tells a different story. For those interested in learning more see mynew book BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS.
We now believe that the caves could mark the course of local faulting, and that
radar satellite imagery might show them heading off in the direction of the Second
Pyramid, site of the legendary Tomb of Hermes according to various medieval Arab sources.
@andrew collins: Thanks – I’ll post a link to it.