Last week I received notification that I had been mentioned in a publication known as the Trinity Review, a publication put out by the Trinity Foundation, a (theologically) reformed organization. While I’m glad to see that Christians (of any persuasion) are interested in the important issue of whether or not there might be extraterrestrial life, I just had to shake my head at this one. It’s terribly uninformed. Here’s the paragraph.
“Some men, such as Michael Heiser believe in an old universe (perhaps billions of years old), and claim that over such a large number of years ETs could easily have developed.13 This is mere supposition founded on faulty exegesis. First, as properly stated in the Westminster Shorter Catechism (Q. 9), the Bible clearly teaches that we live in a young universe (thousands of years old): The work of creation is, Gods making all things of nothing, by the word of His power, in the space of six [24 hour] days, and all very good. And second, it is one thing to suggest that ETs could have developed, it is another thing to say that the Bible teaches it. We are not talking about what may have occurred, we are talking about what the Bible says. And it says nothing about such ETs.”
Those who actually read my material or who have listened to one of my lectures or radio appearances are already chuckling. Where to begin with this misguided and, sadly, inept attempt at representing me and Christian theology (including reformed theology) on this issue?
For starters, I know that the idea ETs could have evolved is supposition, precisely because that’s what I say. I have never offered any “exegesis” in the text to support the idea that the Bible implies that ETs have evolved somewhere in space and are real. Logic lesson: “could have” and “did” are two different things. Yes, I believe that such evolution is possible, but the last time I checked, “possible” does not mean “probable” or even “likely,” and certainly not “did so.” What I have actually said and written is that I don’t believe there are intelligent aliens out there, and won’t believe that until science produces irrefutable evidence to that effect. If that ever happens then God, as the source of all matter, would be responsible in some way, whether by creation or an evolutionary process (or some mechanism we haven’t even imagined). One need only look as far as this blog to find my views on this. It wouldn’t take much skill or effort to get me right.
As far as the exegesis slight, I will put my exegetical skills and credentials up against the author of this newsletter any time. (Note that I’m characterized as a “man” in the paragraph — there is no mention of my credentials to be commenting on Scripture in any way; well, at least he got the gender correct). They don’t just hand out PhDs in Hebrew Bible at Wisconsin. I earned mine. But all that said, I have never attempted to produce a point (aliens evolved) from the text that isn’t in the text.
Moving on, the quotation of the shorter Westminster Shorter Catechism is somewhat misleading. It is offered as though it solves something, when it does not. The statement (Question 9) is: “What is the work of creation? The work of creation is, God s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good.” Well, no kidding. That’s a nice summary of Genesis 1. But it says nothing about what scholars and others who work in the original text wonder about and debate. Specifically, it says nothing about the ancient cosmological background and parallels to Genesis 1 that inform the intended meaning of the text; the nature of the days; whether the Hebrew syntax allows a consecutive understanding of the first three verses, which certainly allows for aeons of time before we ever hit the days (see below on that); and any literary structuring that might suggest a linear sequence isn’t the point of the description. What I mean here is that these are all elements of the text of Genesis 1 that have led to a range of opinions held by Hebrew scholars (evangelical and otherwise) about that chapter’s meaning. Those silly old scholars! Why did they waste so much time looking at the Hebrew text when they could just have looked at Question 9 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism! How quaint — doing all that nuts and bolts analysis of the inspired text when the Shorter Catechism solves all the problems! (Is the Shorter Catechism is now considered inspired or at the level of the biblical text?)
The more important problem here is the author’s own apparent ignorance of the exegetical issues relating to Genesis 1 and his own reformed tradition.
First, the verb in Gen 1:1 (bara’) does not mean creation from nothing. We discover that from comparing Gen 1:26-27, where humankind is created (bara’), with Gen 2:7, 22-23, where the man and the woman are created from pre-existing material (the dust of the ground; the man’s “side” or flesh). If one presumes bara’ must mean creation from nothing, that creates an explicit contradiction between these passages. But there is no contradiction if one does not foist that meaning on this verb. There’s a lot more to be said about the verbs used in Genesis 1-2 and other passages in the Old Testament that speak of creation, but this is enough to make the point.
Second, the grammar and syntax of Genesis 1:1-3 does not allow a linear progression of those verses. Rather, verses 1 and 2 are a backdrop to the first creative act in 1:3 (and not 1:1). For a lay person’s introduction to the grammar and syntax of Genesis 1:1-3 in plain language, see my video lecture below.
Genesis & Creation – Class 1 of 4 – September 15, 2010 from Grace Church Bellingham on Vimeo.
Reformed scholars and experts in Hebrew syntax such as Bruce Waltke have written extensively on this issue.1 And Waltke is far from alone here, both within and without reformed tradition.
The bigger problem for the Trinity review though, is that the notion that “true theologians” of the reformed tradition would agree with the simplistic statement of the Shorter Catechism is demonstrably false. The best example of this is B. B. Warfield. In case there is a reformed Christian out there who hasn’t heard of Warfield, he was one of the giants of the reformed faith in the 19th and early 20th centuries — one of the founders of Westminster Seminary after leaving Princeton (he was one of the famous “Princeton Theologians” so famous for articulating reformed doctrine in that period). Warfield remains one of reformed theology’s “go to guys” for a Calvinistic and inerrantist view of the Bible. he was also, in today’s parlance, an evolutionary creationist, a believing scholar who accepted the idea of evolution and did not take Genesis 1 the same way as the Trinity Review. It isn’t hard to demonstrate this, either.
In his essay “On the Antiquity and Unity of the Human Race” Warfield wrote (emphasis supplied; see below on the meaning of the “Unity of the Human Race” phrase):
“The most important of these subsidiary questions has concerned the method of the divine procedure in creating man. Discussion of this question became acute on the publication of Charles Darwins treatise on the Origin of Species in 1859, and can never sink again into rest until it is thoroughly understood in all quarters that evolution cannot act as a substitute for creation, but at best can supply only a theory of the method of the divine providence. Closely connected with this discussion of the mode of origination of man, has been the discussion of two further questions, both older than the Darwinian theory, to one of which it gave, however, a new impulse, while it has well-nigh destroyed all interest in the other. These are the questions of the Antiquity of Man and the Unity of the Human Race, to both of which a large historical interest attaches, though neither of them can be said to be burning questions of to-day.
“The question of the antiquity of man has of itself no theological significance. It is to theology, as such, a matter of entire indifference how long man has existed on earth. It is only because of the contrast which has been drawn between the short period which seems to be allotted to human history in the Biblical narrative, and the tremendously long period which certain schools of scientific speculation have assigned to the duration of human life on earth, that theology has become interested in the topic at all. There was thus created the appearance of a conflict between the Biblical statements and the findings of scientific investigators, and it became the duty of theologians to investigate the matter. The asserted conflict proves, however, to be entirely factitious. The Bible does not assign a brief span to human history: this is done only by a particular mode of interpreting the Biblical data, which is found on examination to rest on no solid basis. Science does not demand an inordinate period for the life of human beings on earth: this is done only by a particular school of speculative theorizers, the validity of whose demands on time exact investigators are more and more chary of allowing. As the real state of the case has become better understood the problem has therefore tended to disappear from theological discussion, till now it is pretty well understood that theology as such has no interest in it.” (Benjamin B. Warfield, The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 9: Studies in Theology [(Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2008], 235-36)
Warfield believed that John Calvin would have held his own position of evolutionary creationist had Calvin lived in the wake of Darwin’s theory. In his essay, “Calvin’s Doctrine of Creation” Warfield wrote (emphasis supplied):
“Calvin doubtless had no theory whatever of evolution; but he teaches a doctrine of evolution. He has no object in so teaching except to preserve to the creative act, properly so called, its purity as an immediate production out of nothing. All that is not immediately produced out of nothing is therefore not createdbut evolved. Accordingly his doctrine of evolution is entirely unfruitful. The whole process takes place in the limits of six natural days. That the doctrine should be of use as an explanation of the mode of production of the ordered world, it was requisite that these six days should be lengthened out into six periodssix ages of the growth of the world. Had that been done Calvin would have been a precursor of the modern evolutionary theorists. As it is, he only forms a point of departure for them to this extentthat he teaches, as they teach, the modification of the original world-stuff into the varied forms which constitute the ordered world, by the instrumentality of second causesor as a modern would put it, of its intrinsic forces.” (Benjamin B. Warfield, The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 5: Calvin and Calvinism [Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2008], 305-06.
The point here is not that “Warfield said it, so it’s right.” The point is that Warfield, the venerable reformed Princeton theologian, said it. An old-earth creationist view is not contradictory to the biblical text or reformed theology. To say so pits one against Warfield within that tradition. Is that really where the Trinity Review wants to go? How foolish would that be? The Trinity Review is simply uninformed and transparently biased.2
I could go much farther with Warfield and other theologians in this regard. Warfield, for instance, was also not antagonistic to the idea of human races outside of Adam. Hence his discussions on the “unity” of the human race. The history of this idea (pre-adamic or co-adamic human races) has recently been chronicled in detail in a scholarly work published by the Johns Hopkins University Press entitled, Adam’s Ancestors: Race, Religion, and the Politics of Human Origins (Medicine, Science, and Religion in Historical Context). It’s a dense but fascinating read. The author, David Livingstone, recently summarized his work in a lecture at (of all places for Trinity Review – don’t you just love Providence!) Calvin Theological Seminary.3 Livingstone is also the author of Darwin’s Forgotten Defenders: The Encounter Between Evangelical Theology and Evolutionary Thought
(a resource the writer of the Trinity Review piece might want to read, among other things).4 On pages 159-160 of Adam’s Ancestors Livingstone notes (notes inserted by me):
“In 1911 Warfield wrote an article for the Princeton Theological Review on the antiquity and unity of the human race.5 Because he felt that the mere age of the human race was irrelevant to theology, he moved on to discuss theories that bore on the unity and diversity or diversity of the species and to review some of the major scientific theories available. On turning to pre-adamism, he made a number of telling observations that throw much light on his own treatment of the subject. To him . . . ‘co-Adamism [was] the attribution of the descent of the several chief racial types to separate original ancestors,’ whereas ‘pre-Adamitism . . . . conceives man indeed as a single species, derived from one stock, but represents Adam not as the root of this stock, but as one of its products.’ . . . Warfield himself warmed to neither of these versions. One the one hand, he loathed polygenism [co-Adamism; MSH] in every shape and form, as well as the racial pride that typically went with it, and on the other, he believed that Christianity’s theological structure was bound up with Adam as the father of all humanity, not just the Jews. Yet he did make reference to another ‘sort of pre-Adamitism [that] has continued to be taught by a series of philosophical speculators . . . which looks upon Adam as the first real man, rising in developed humanity above the low, beastlike condition of his ancestors.’ There Warfield left the matter, but his insistence that monogenism [i.e., one line of humans leading to Adam; MSH] was ‘a necessary corollary of the evolutionary hypothesis’ already raised the suspicion that this other ‘sort’ of pre-adamism might have some validity.” 6
Again, the point is not that I agree with Warfield, only that he saw no problem — and actually some some necessity — in trying to determine if the biblical text and the new theories of science might be found congruent. That effort is certainly important.
And so to conclude the matter, I don’t believe the Bible teaches that aliens evolved on other planets. I would have no idea. If they did, that isn’t a contradiction of the Bible because the Bible doesn’t say they didn’t. The Bible is silent on the subject, like it is about all the planets of our solar system, microwaves, radiation, DNA, and toilet paper. It is utter nonsense and interpretive ineptitude to approach the Bible as though it has to mention XYZ for XYZ to be real. (I would refer readers to this blog’s online library for scholarly books on the very long history of how the broader Christian church has discussed the question of other worlds and other life forms). Further, the idea that the world could be very ancient is something that reformed theologians and other faithful Christian scholars have considered perfectly workable when it comes to the biblical text. I’m hardly alone there. It’s good that the Trinity Review wants to say something about the whole extraterrestrial life issue, but the next time the folks there want to pontificate about the issue or about what I think, they ought to do some homework.
- See for example, Waltke’s thinking here, here, and here. ↩
- For the record, I don’t identify myself with reformed theology or Warfield, though I am a fan of a lot of his work. I don’t really care much about this or that Christian tradition. When it comes to biblical theology, I care only about the biblical text. ↩
- Slides and audio of the lecture are available at the link. ↩
- Again for the record, I have no interest in defending Darwin, as I am not a Darwinist. I’m in the intelligent design camp. I really don’t care about evolution being real or not, so long as it is not purely Darwinistic in the sense that it forsakes an intelligent creator. I’m not a scientist, so I leave the discussion of evolutions merits and demerits in scientific terms to scientists. The Livingstone reference here is only to make the point that if the Trinity Review wants to pretend that the Shorter Catechism solves anything or is the final word on this issue, it’s wrong and hopelessly naive. ↩
- This article was subsequently reprinted in The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 9: Studies in Theology. ↩
- B. B. Warfield, “On the Antiquity and Unity of the Human Race,” The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 9: Studies in Theology (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2008), 253, as cited in Livingstone, Adam’s Ancestors, pp. 159-160. ↩
Great work as usual! I like the way you used this unfortunate instance of misguided zeal to teach us something. I can’t say the idea of pre-Adamite races sits very comfortably with my theology but Warfield is fascinating. I found the Trinity piece grossly uniformed on a number of other levels as well.
For instance, on UFOs Crampton writes, “Moreover, there has never been a radar detection of a UFO.” Seriously? He would have us believe that radar technicians have never tracked an unidentified target.Hogwash, of course they have. One need not speculate about alien life to see the vacuousness of this assertion.
“There were basically two separate waves of UFOs over our Capitol. The first occurred on July 19/20, and the second on July 26/27. The sightings were confirmed by ground and airplane radar, and visual reports from pilots sent to validate the objects.” (
And that is only one of countless counterexamples. It appears that Crampton simply read Gary Bates’ book and did minimal research. It is this sort of uninformed triumphalist fideism that gives Christianity a bad name in marketplace of ideas.
Yeah – his piece was one of those “where do you even start?” items. Badly uninformed. For those reading these comments, I would recommend Leslie Kean’s recent book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record (in this blog’s library). It has the best cases, by the best witnesses, and many of those cases certainly involve radar (and other modern technologies)!
I think that Warfield’s brand of pre-Adamism may get rediscovered soon in the wake of the “was there a historical Adam?” discussion (involving the human and Neanderthal genome mapping and the evolutionary implications). I’m reading Peter Enns’ book now and he hasn’t mentioned Warfield yet. He may not care to as his take on the issue doesn’t seem to “require” it.
Heh. I got that same newsletter in the mail today, in fact, and when I saw you cited….well, I groaned first, at the hugeness of their errors, then I chuckled.
In a brief point of defense for them, it looked as if they were citing you, based on you being cited/quoted in Bates’ “Alien Intrusion”, 375-8 (taken from footnote 13 of the newsletter). I have no idea what’s in this book, so I’m writing this off as ignorant folks (from my theological traditions, sadly) in the AiG vein of UFO/space thinking (“it can’t be true, because UFOs prove evolution!”)
Having said that, speaking as a PCA minister/chaplain, the Trinity Foundation folks make the rest of us look…well, like we’re much smarter than we really are. Look at the bright side: you’ve not only answered them well enough to shame them (and then some!), but you’ve gained some “frienemies” in “reformed” circles!
(Those of us PCA folks who enjoy thinking still like you, though!)
You’re making me laugh again today! 🙂 Thanks!
Well Mike, you shouldn’t feel too much like you’ve been “singled out.” I searched around for info on W. Gary Crampton, who wrote the UFO article, and came across another unhappy customer of one of Crampton’s reviews, and who devoted 16 pages to a rebuttal of the flawed article:
A motto like The Bible alone is the Word of God already reveals a rather shallow, but assertive thought process, which is also quite apparent in Crampton’s article about UFO’s. And believe me, I do fully affirm the Hebrew, Aramaic of the Tanakh and the Greek Scriptures of the NT as the canonical “standard” by which all other revelations to humanity must be measured.
16 pages! Man, I feel like a slacker now! 🙂
Exceptional response, answered in detail. Educating to me. 16 pages? he must have been really mad!
Yes, it does seem like he was more than a little irritated!
Anderson wrote a 16 page response because it was not a paragraph, but a 328 page book that Crampton had reviewed and dissed:
_Paradox in Christian Theology: An Analysis of Its Presence, Character, and Epistemic Status_ by James Anderson. Paternoster, 2007.
ah – thanks!
I heard Peter Enns speak last night. While I was sympathetic at first, it didn’t last very long. When he denied that there was a “fall” he lost me. The Gospel seems unintelligible with no historic fall and Romans 5:12ff becomes mythology along with Genesis 1 & 2. At least with Warfield, there seems to be an allowance for a true inherited sin nature based on a historic act of disobedience. I think I understand the rationale behind Westminster’s decision now.
I’m doubting I will be in complete agreement with Peter on this as well. My take on Romans 5:12 is different than one would see articulated in an evangelical theology book, though (see the Naked Bible archive on that). I don’t believe Romans 5:12 teaches that we inherited guilt from Adam (rather, we inherited death — that is what the text actually says; the other has been imported into it — read it closely — and all are spiritually guilty before God because of our own sins, not anyone else’s, including Adam’s). Yet I affirm that humanity can do nothing to merit salvation in any way, and all are in need of salvation by grace. This has been one of my curiosities with Enns’ take on this. I’m almost done with the book, and will likely post on it at Naked Bible when I am.
I look forward to your review. It was a conference at NCSU on “Can you believe the Bible and believe in Evolution, too?” My issues had nothing to do evolution issues. What was ironic was that of the 3 presenters the scientist (PhD molecular biologist) seemed the most conservative theologically. He took the RTB day age view and argued for the historicity of Genesis 1, it was the Biblical scholar (Enns) who relegated the text to pure mythology. I realize the term myth doesn’t necessarily mean false and I am open to Walton’s ideas about it as temple literature and even as a polemic against the Ugaritic and Sumerian epics. I can see how it forecasts the story of Israel and the land (along with Sailhamer) but I still have a high enough view of inspiration to believe there is a divine intelligence behind it that transcends the worldview and knowledge of the inspired author. Even with all the above being true, I think there are actual historical events (a real 1st pair) represented in a very simple myth like form. Actually, that is one reason I found your own work interesting as your past work madethe encounter with the nacash seem more tangible for me.
I would agree that it is important to affirm something happened at a moment in time that is the referent of Gen 3, however that might be best cast or worded. That’s why I’m suspecting I won’t articulate this the way Peter does. Myth as a literary strategy would be filed under God’s choice of method for communicating what he wanted communicated, assuming he knew how that would best be done with respect to the time, place, and people to whom the revelation was initially intended. The more you think about myth as a genre (it’s akin to “narrative story” of today), it’s very wise indeed, since the most people can get the maximum amount of the message (and transmit the gist in “evangelism”) when truth is put into story form. And I think the mythic material argues strongly for a divine being instead of a true member of the animal kingdom in the Gen 3 story. The serpentine form was, pardon the wording, a facade, designed to communicate the status of a throne guardian level being, a being of close proximity to God, who isn’t satisfied with that status, but wants to run the show.
With respect to Mr./Dr.? Crampton, upon doing some research, numerous Reformed sites were ablaze with news of the “scandal” that he had apparently shifted from being Presbyterian to Baptist, i.e., paedobaptist to credobaptist. Given how often it happens in this order, it’s interesting to note in his case.
A “facade” huh? hmmmmm now where have I heard that before?
I understand old-earth creationist views to be encapsulated by the following quote from Warfield above:
“That the [six day creation] doctrine should be of use as an explanation of the mode of production of the ordered world, it was requisite that these six days should be lengthened out into six periodssix ages of the growth of the world.”
To me that would push the “creation” of humans far, far down the road in actual time relative to the initial point of general Creation.
Yet two NT writers, Mark and Matthew, evidently took Genesis to describe recent Creation, when they composed words about creation of human beings and put them in the mouth of Christ:
??? ?? ????? ??????? – ????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????: Mark 10:6
From the beginning of Creation – male and female made he them.
? ?? ?????????? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ? ?????? ?? ????? – ????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????, Matthew 19:4
He answered saying, “Have you not read that the Creator, from the beginning, male and female made he them.”
??? ???????? ? ???? ??? ????????, ???? ?????? ???? ???????? ?????, ????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????. Genesis 1:27 ????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??????? Genesis 5:2
The use of ????? (arches) by both Mark and Matthew seems to reflect the second word of the first verse of Genesis in the LXX.
?? ???? ???????? ? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ???. Genesis 1:1
In the beginning…
Matthew also framed Christ’s comment to mean that their “reading” of Genesis (have you not read) was about human creation at the beginning of Creation, not far down the road.
However anyone chooses to parse up the Hebrew of Genesis 1, these two NT comments evidently show that those writers, and Christ, did not see long ages preceeding the creation of humans.
I disagree; you over-read the material.
The quotations from the gospels say nothing about the chronology / the meaning of “day” (which is often where this debate focuses – incorrectly in my view). There is also nothing concrete about arche, especially in translation (I am guessing you already know about the syntactical ambiguities in Gen 1:1-3). They are quoting the text but not commenting on its meaning or the possible interpretations it might or might not sustain.
Sorry, I didn’t realize the blog wouldn’t handle Greek.
I just don’t know how to fix that — I even use Unicode and it doesn’t matter.
I wouldn’t say I’m over-reading the material until I assert the verses absolutely “prove” a young earth, which I wouldn’t do. I would say they add weight to the idea though. Direct evidence of belief in a 14 billion year old universe is lacking here, as is belief in 3.7 billion years of life on earth prior to the creation of humans. It is hard to believe these phrases in Mark and Matthew were written with the intent of six vast ages totalling billion years prior to the creation of humans, just before the seventh day of rest, which is the “Shabbat.” I think Mark and Matthew are insinuating that from the “beginning of Creation” (from the start, i.e. from the hand of the Creator) humans were made male (singular)and female (singular) implying the Creator intended them to be married once for life, adding weight against wanton divorce. The idea of this being the Creator’s intent from the beginning of his creation is important to the argument. It was not an afterthought after billions and billions of years. IMHO, suggesting there is room for 3.7 billions of years of life on earth prior to the creation of humans seems to me to be the over-read of these verses. But I’m always willing to consider thoughtful and reasoned exposition.
I am aware of the possibilities of Genesis 1 in Hebrew.