Larry Hurtado recently posted some thoughts on this  “new” Greek-English lexicon. It’s actually an English translation of a lexicon formerly only available in Italian. Hurtado explains:

This is the English translation from the 3rd edition (2013) of the massive Italian work by Franco Montanari.  At 2431 pages, and with nearly 133,000 “headwords,” and entries that take account of ancient Greek literature, papyri, inscriptions and other sources, and covering evidence down to the 6th century AD, this work now effectively supersedes the older Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) lexicon.  The latter didn’t really take adequate account of evidence much later than the 2nd century AD, and in particular there was little citation of Christian “patristic” texts.  Montanari’s work, however, rectifies this, making it now the “go to” resource of its type.

I almost bought this at SBL (discount city), but my dollars went elsewhere. Maybe next year. It’s a bit pricey ($125), but as Hurtado notes: “… it’s not cheap, but, given the amount of material and its quality, the price is surprisingly realistic.” Agreed. It’s obviously a must-have for Greek lexicography.